Official Video of Retique It Liquid Wood

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Absolutely a pain to master, it’s not at all as simple as the video shows it to be!


I've used it and I absolutely love it.


I have NEVER refinished ANYTHING, but you can BET I am going to turn everything I own into something new with Retique It!!! Just want you to know how brilliant I think you are, and how I hope to reboot my life with your new product.
In 2012, just after my Mom’s death, my autoimmune disease went into a serious flare, and I began a period of 7 surgeries in 6 years. I was raised to serve others, and that relaxing was not for women…especially me. I have spent my entire life fearing sitting still. I would even work on small cross stitch projects at red lights. While my husband and sons would watch football (I made them 😝) on what I called Family Sunday’s, where I ensured we spent time together, by forbidding work or too much play…kids need their friends, so I wasn’t an ogre about having them HERE, at my house. I would make a feast of appetizers, and we would hang out relatively together, in the living room, where my sons always knew they would find us…and were always touching base. To be honest, as a Veteran, I was disgusted with the NFL for allowing people who made the deplorable amount of money these athletes make, to kneel and disrespect the flag, the very symbol of the freedom that allows these men to make that kind of bank, without being particularly intelligent. I’m not implying every athlete is an idiot, only saying that I have a college degree and won’t hope to earn anything in the neighborhood of the NFL. Knowing what we in the military make…poverty level income, Americans, as we give those fools, and the rest of the country, a BLANK CHECK WITH OUR NAME ON IT, to protect our REMARKABLE FREEDOM, to protect our Constitution, the innocent and weak around the world, and to defend everything America stands for, it truly appalls me to see where our priorities are. Hollywood? Musicians (in many cases, using that term lightly)? Pro Athletes? I was willing to DIE for every man woman and child in my BELOVED, BEAUTIFUL, BOUNTIFUL, FREE America…and others, who are unable to defend themselves against tyranny and corruption. My first husband left when my oldest son was 4 months old. He was a civilian with a good job, and regular hours. I was a single Momma, having just turned 22, alone with a newborn, who NEVER received her COURT ORDERED CHILD SUPPORT…during my years of service, or after, when I worked three jobs and paid my own way through college…graduating with a perfect 4.0 GPA, and having utilized ZERO government assistance (welfare, food stamps, Medicaid). The dichotomy in what people who were BORN FREE here, and were blessed enough to become athletes or entertainers, sacrificing NOTHING, and what we, as active duty or veterans, as well as our law enforcement officers earn, tho LEOs make a LOT more than active duty military, I find it disturbing that they do not hit their knees in gratitude to God, for allowing them to be born HERE, EVERY SINGLE DAY. I do!
They could as easily have been born in China, or North Korea, or Afghanistan, or Africa, where 51 countries STILL have legalized slavery, and on any given day, 92 million men, women, and children are living in modern day slavery! There would be no opportunity for them to earn the lifestyle they are blessed with. Thus…I no longer cared what was on tv on Sunday, as long as we, as a family, we’re together.
When I was so seriously ill, nearly dying of sepsis twice, having 7 major surgeries in 6 years, and learning my husband CHOSE to make it about himself, rather than supporting me, something in me broke (aside from my profoundly broken body.). I found pleasure in nothing, being sick, exhausted, and weak, with no support. I lost music, the internet, friendships, and worse…CREATING. In November 2018, my healthy husband got drunk, and 4 days before the birthday my youngest son and I share, committed suicide. His selfish act cost me EVERYTHING, but gave me a reason to live again. Finding your product a few weeks ago has sparked an incredible desire to try new types of creativity, so THANK YOU, from the depths of my soul, for what I hope will be a blessing financially, but has already given me the gift of hope. With no income (disabled, and now have to pursue the military medical benefits I should have been receiving since my honorable discharge. The fight ahead is killing me, as I do not want to EVER deal with the reason I suffer complex PTSD. I am so grateful to have even the IDEA of something new and creative to distract me; something my broken body WILL be capable of pursuing!
I wish you continued blessings, peace, and joy!


Can I put this over an old kitchen tile floor


Would you possibly know how many standard size (36" x 80") 6 panel doors would a gallon cover?


I bought Retique It but my first attempt wasn't the best. Do I have to sand between coats of Polyacrylic? I used the product on a metal table and sanding with 400 grit created lines and tiny holes. Staining with gel stain on top of the Retique It was also a mission since the gel didn't glide on and it caused darkening in some areas. I love the idea of this product but have to find the proper way to use it.


I bought light wood and it was very thick then I bought bleached wood and it was as thin as water???? I’m new to this product. Tks
