'The Shot Heard 'Round the World:' The Coming of the American Revolution

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The Boston Massacre, The Boston Tea Party, The Battles at Lexington and Concord

Dramatic narration and authentically recreated scenes, enhanced with an original score, chronicles the settlement of the American Colonies, the formation of colonial governments, and the tension that resulted from the economic strain on Great Britain for its prosecution of the Seven Years War with France. It illustrates how Great Britain’s attempt to make the American colonies pay for its debts, among other issues, brought about the revolt. British Parliament's passage of The Stamp Act, the Sugar Act, the Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts, and the effects of those on the colonies, are all thoroughly explained. The reaction of American settlers on the frontier, settling lands beyond the Proclamation Line of 1763, to events in Boston is portrayed. The production includes a dramatic portrayal of the opening battles at Lexington and Concord, and follows the disorganized militias from there to Boston, where 20,000 militia laid siege to the city and the British troops occupying Boston.
Рекомендации по теме

Well done. I'm absolutely fascinated by this era in America. I have nine ancestors who fought on the Revolution. They all came west after the war. Leaving behind NC, SC, and VA to claim their land grants. My Grandfather still owns the same farm that was settled in 1797 on the Green River.


I’m a local historian in Rotherham Yorkshire England. It’s long forgotten now, but the Patriot Movement was British. It was founded in parliament back in 1725 as a branch of the Whig Party. Rotherham was Patriot and home to two powerful Whigs - Lords Effingham and Rockingham. These men believed that all Englishmen even American ones had the democratic right to chose their own governance. On a hilltop overlooking our town stands a monument called Boston Castle built in 1775 and named for the Boston Tea Party. Nearby at Parlington Hall Leeds stands a massive Victory Arch, built in 1783. Around the top it reads Liberty in N. America Triumphant. There were riots in England against the Tory Government. In 1780 a British Revolution was only narrowly avoided. But the entry into the conflict of those traditional enemies of France, Spain, Holland and the Mysore of India was to place British Patriots in a difficult position. They were willing only to fight these other nations, not their own people in the colonies. Everything changed in 1782 when Lord Rockingham was invited to become Prime Minister. He agreed on the condition that he be allowed to set America free! One of the ironies of the conflict was that the new USA became right wing Tory, whilst Britain itself became left wing Patriot. In 1825 the Patriot Party changed its name to the Liberal Party (Liberal as in Liberty) and so still exists in parliament to this day.


One of the best videos on this era of our countries history.. bravo to all involved in making it.


I grew up in the Deep South, but loved everything about American History. When I was in the Navy in 1969, I was stationed in Boston and walked the “Freedom Trail” many times. Then I visited Lexington and Concord and read several books, both fictional and historical about the early days of the Revolution. Amazing Courage and fortitude lived for real then. “By the Rude Bridge which arced the Flood” is still a stirring poem as is “ The midnight ride of Paul Revere.” Each spring, my wife and I read the latter one in full in celebration of that event! A truly wonderful and succinct detailing of all the run up and starting of hostilities in the Colonies. Thank you all for this presentation.


Very well done, very thorough. It’s very important to discuss the people involved, from royalty to rank and file, as well as what came before and after the revolution, as well as everything in between. You did just that. As an SAR member in East Tennessee who has seen and marked with honor many of the graves of these American Patriots, thank you very much.


My maternal side goes back to 1611 at Jamestown Settlement from England. My 7 times great grandfather, William Stone, was the 3rd Colonial Governor of Maryland 1649-1655 and my 5 times great uncle, Thomas Stone, signed the Declaration Of Independence....


The fascinating history which led up to the revolutionary war well told. I thought to myself what don't I know about this period and alas there is much. After listening to your documentary I am re- enlightened. Thanks so much for the story of the brave men and their resolves to create an American Liberty. ✨🇺🇲✨


OUTSTANDING DOCUMENTARY!! Well done. Two huge thumbs up. 👍👍


Very well done. After hearing this history and the depth of the support of the revolution, I cannot understand why the revolutionary war was not more supported by the continental congress in Philadelphia. We would have lost this war and all the signers of the Declaration of Independence hung, if the French had not entered on our side at Yorktown. We had few victories prior to that battle. George Washington always had a difficult time raising troops and receiving financial support for the troops under his command. He was always short of financial support from Philadelphia. With the background provided by this wonderful presentation, I cannot understand the lack of support that Washington received!!


My ancestors were English and settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the mid 17th century shortly after the Pilgrims arrived. I had one ancestor fight in the Revolution


Great job ! I would love to see more on our road to freedom 🎉


Excellent Work! Your documentary was not only well produced and narrated, it was highly informative and entertaining. Bravo! It's just the type of American history education that is so badly needed for America's lamentably history-challenged youth. Although a life-long student and enthusiastic reader of American history, and the author of an upcoming series of books for middle-grade and high-school students entitled "Flags of Freedom, " I learned many new facts about pre-Revolutionary American history that I didn't know. Please continue your admirable efforts to educate and inspire new generations of American Patriots with more content like this! - Walter Franklin Davis


This was a very well done program! I wish I had history teachers that made history fun and exciting because I would have done better. I love this era of history not only because George Washington and John Adams are distant cousins to my family but because it is fascinating that we with a large help from France against a mighty army like England could win a war with so few soldiers is unheard of. I don't believe this could happen in today's world.


Hate to say it, but I see many similarities to today except the arrogance and lack of concern for the victims of their harmful regulations and policies are coming from Washington DC instead of London.


This is the most detailed history of the United States I have ever heard. So we’ll done.


I'm British i dont blame the American colonies from breaking away, today were over taxed by this government i have every sympathy for them, very good video and very detailed step by step


This documentary makes me EXTREMELY proud of it!!! It talked about precious little Christopher Snider at 11 years old being likely the first casualty of the Revolutionary War. And then it highlighted the fact that a black man took a bullet for our country and he too could arguably be credited for being the first casualty of the Revolutionary War.
This fact that wasn’t overlooked by this production thrills me because not a lot of people know these facts. Especially groups out there that want to bring about division and want to muddy up our history and exclude details that are enriching to our American 🇺🇸 people regardless of our various hues and phenotypes.
Thank you for bringing this on, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Being a huge history buff, I happen to have already known about Christopher Snyder and Crispus Attucks. You get my stamp of approval for telling the truth and not omitting.


I found this through a YouTube suggestion and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was very well done and full of interesting details. Looking forward to future videos.


People forget the American Revolution wasn't just an American Revolution! It was a world global war! Hispanics also fought in the American Revolution! Spanish aid was vital and decisive for American independence! France alone could never have led the 13 Colonies to victory. Spain tipped the balance in favor of both France and the American Colonies!


This documentary is Extremely well done, as well as Extremely informative. Kudos to all responsible.
