The Culture Wars is Full of Angry NARCISISSTIC Idiots – Dr. Iain McGilchrist

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Dr. Iain McGilchrist believes that the different left-right hemispheres of the divided brain are stoking the culture wars and leading to a deluded world. He is a psychiatrist, writer, and former Oxford literary scholar. McGilchrist came to prominence after the publication of his book The Master and His Emissary, subtitled The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. Today, he speaks of how art and beauty are fighting a losing battle due to the traits of one hemisphere of our brain.

#antiwoke #psychology #dei
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All of these issues will eventually be addressed by making the teaching of critical thinking skills as important as math, science, social studies, health, physical education, and English.


The same explosion of Managerial & administrative staff happened in the NHS too. That's why it is a failing, bottomless pit for money.


I am observing a type of narcissistic rudeness from the 20-somethings that goes beyond what I would even call "human". It's not a normal rudeness that one might encounter here and there. They seem totally disconnected from normal discourse, and the rudeness comes effortlessly from unexpected angles. I think we need a new word for it. It seems to originate from a lack of responsibility on a whole new level. Read my list below and please add to it if you wish.
Have you seen this kind of thing, and keep in mind I am a very polite to people in public:
* They look at you as if they are seeing you on a screen and all they really want to do is "point and click" you away.
* Overuse of the word "sir", and somehow the way they say it, it sounds like they are using the word to create distance if not outright rudeness and not respect. The difference is subtle, but there.
* You will almost never get an apology for some stupid thing they did that caused you a lot of trouble, but if you do it will be empty words without any sympathy whatsoever, as if it all had nothing to do with them. Everyone makes mistakes, and a little bit of genuine feeling goes a long way for forgiveness, but you won't get any ever, and it is infuriating. Now your natural inclination for forgiveness is denied and you feel doubly angry. They may even try to paint it as being your fault.
* For any normal thing you ask, such as a schedule at the local community pool, they smile and tell you to just use your cell phone (somehow it feels like they are saying "go fuck yourself") and won't bother to reach in a drawer or print one for you even though they are sitting at a computer and printer at that very moment.
* Sells you the wrong item that was important such as an auto part, causing you endless problems, but they almost laugh when they tell you what technical thing (isn't their fault) that is the reason for the mistake; no apology.
* Pretend to be answering questions from behind a counter with glee, but they are really non-answers. Sometimes it seems that they really do know the answer since they told it to you with enthusiasm... later you find out they were wrong all along and sent you an a wild goose chase. No apology, of course.
* Will look at you with a blank stare when you politely indicate that they should know a simple answer about where they are working, then decide that you must be the rude one.
* If you calmly describe the troubles their actions have caused you, through a smiley apology you get the feeling that they actually see your quandary as if it were an entertaining TikTok video, judging by their micro-expressions.
* Will drive you up the wall with bullshit, which you are required to endure with the utmost patience. Not at any point will they acknowledge they are dropping the ball left and right and will not lift a finger to find someone who can help. But God help you if you get the wee bit frustrated because only then will go find a manager, not to solve your problem but to tell them a twisted story that portrays them as the victim. Manager arrives loaded for bear, thinking that the problem is you.

At this rate the generation after this one will be like Logan's Run. I sometimes wonder if the 20-somethings of today have any clue that the next generation will be sending them to their deaths because they are old-fashioned people who didn't grow up with AI plugged into their brains from birth. They will jeer at them about ancient history: **Instagram!**, **TikTok!** as they tap the hologram floating in their eyes to turn on the Death Machine, all while sipping on an energy-blast stimulant Starbucks.


"I'm loaded on SSRI's, been diagnosed with a personality disorder, I call anyone who questions me a Nazi, my understanding on philosophy comes solely from Reddit --now let me tell you how to solve all the worlds problems."


Absolutely agree, a bunch of spoiled entitled narcissists.


Jung said "certainty has a price, its either paid in the past or the future"


Narcissistic megalomaniacs with coin, connections, crews, clout, computer code, control, corporate communities, and opulent opportunities, yes. 🙄 It's embarrassing, too. Reflection is absent, intelligence is minimal, and introspection is--to quote Monty Python--"RIGHT out".


I have a high IQ and I feel like my consciousness is primarily positioned in the right side of my brain, the left side is only useful for simple boring tasks like "draw a straight line"


"Audi Alteram Partem". Latin for "listen to the other side". I first heard this from a speech by a politician (Erin O'Toole, Canadian federal Conservative party leader) who realized -- after existing in the political arena for many years -- that the status quo in politics was very harmful to civilization.


To quote Adam Smith, "beware the man of system".


Not only intelligent but wise as well. What a combination!

Education should most definitely not be "fact" based, i.e., a memory exercise, but a pathway to understanding the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. Maybe Adams was correct, but to blindly accept 42 is a failure in education.

I spent my 35-year teaching career showing my students the importance of questioning, that however benign they may be, we should always delve deeper to find truth (note, not the truth, but a truth). This made my working life more difficult because it was impossible to produce the detailed lesson plans that my school demanded. All I did in my lessons was provide a barest of facts and let the classes run with them. I could not predict the lesson outcome because that was decided by the student. They had to draw their own conclusions. Naturally, some would come to conclusions that I may not have agreed with, or which I thought were erroneous, but, over the years, I discovered that students were far more conservative than most people think. They were less prone to flights of fancy than many of my colleagues. I always rated my most successful lessons as being those where the students questioned my own input to the lesson. This can only be successfully achieved through the humanities. Other subjects will be taught that there is a right answer and a specific route to getting that answer. Taught properly, and unfortunately, much is badly taught, the humanities have one outcome, the ability to form one's own conclusions, which can be argued morally, culturally, and, of course, factually.

Such a person may hold views that are different to your own, but they are more likely to remain open-minded. They can rationally argue their position, and, show a willingness to change their point of view if valid alternatives are offered.

Over the years, I was successful in my goal. Significantly, my students usually did better in standardised tests than they did in other subjects. They were also often outperforming my departmental colleague's students. I often think of this as being the difference between learning and being educated. My students were educated and remained open-minded, but aware of such issues as bias and intent. They were less likely to be followers of the latest trend.


In these chaotic times Dr Gilchrist is unfortunately too wise reasonable and polite to be listened to with fervour :/


My left PFC was damaged at 2 years old. Its very hard to communicate with people. Which sucks because I discovered the underlying mechanisms of cognition, maths, science, the universe, Geometric Cognition but im so overwhelmed trying to turn it into something left brain thinkers can digest.


It is not inappropriate to criticize experts as is said here in reference to Richard Dawkins and Dunning Kruger. .
Faucci jumps to mind as well as our green energy experts our financial experts and so many more clearly need rejecting.


Do the Humanities really teach people how to think and evaluate any more? Ideological capture seems the norm.


Assuming Dr. McGilchrist is correct, I wonder if he has any theories on what may be damaging all of these people's right hemispheres?


You simply cannot talk to a lot of people. They get angry or ignore you. We are surrounded by envious malevolence, impossible Equality, wars, , pestilence, disease, lies built along lies, inverted responsibility, genocide, hate. All this is protected by the stone wall of apathy, narcissism and unbelievable stupidity. I'm trying to understand it, Mcgilchrists book helped, so did the free PDF Political Ponerology.


Ok so now I am wondering if I have got caught in the left brain trap because I am pretty closed minded about pedophilia being just plain wrong and I am not really interested in putting myself in their place and having empathy or opening up to other options for them other than prison


I can't get on board with the idea that "transgender is real" and not delusion.


Sorry for the hammering in the background at 3:00. I really needed to get that sink in - Elon.
