How does Armor Pen Work?

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how does armor pen work lol
how does armor penetration work lol
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armor penetration items lol
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All im ganna say is found you on tiktok now on ur youtube love ur content keep up the work because if i a random found you. That means your getting to your goal dont stop because you look back and regret it. Wish all the best


Ok but, based on a champ skill kit, how can I assume what to build is better? Raw AD or Lethality/ArmPen, what do I have to think to guess correctly what will work best?


Youre so good my god!!! Thanks for this


Vedio like this will soon gonna make me big brain


I'm lost asf but when im building kayn (wild rift kayn) I go yumo ghostblade, edge of the night or black cleaver depending if I'm going blue Kayne vs cc champs like annie or black cleaver if im going red now after on blue kayn build im going dusktblade, mortal reminder, serphant blade, stredulage(the one that looks like an arrow) all im wondering when im facing squishy is it good to keep stacking armor pen or should I go for other items like crit or something


how is stacking % armor pen calculated? if i get 30% and 30% am i reducing 60% armor or is it calculated as reducing 30%, then 30% of that total? (49%)?
