North Korean mom reacts to Gentle American fathers for the first time!

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Today, We invited Beautiful North Korean woman!

She is the one who defected from Aoji Area, North Korea for the first time.

So, she react to playful dad caring their kid on Youtube for the first time!

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Choi Geum young Youtube Channel
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Nothing is embarrassing to me if it brings a smile to my daughter's face.


“A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man” Godfather


Whenever I hear about life in North Korea, I cannot help but think how thankful I am to be in the US where silly fathers are so common we take them for granted.


I have to believe that the fathers in North Korea love their children every bit as much as American fathers do. Culturally (and legally/financially, not sure how to say it exactly) they're just not allowed to express it. You were lucky to have that moment with your father and see directly that he does love you and did miss you.


That story about meeting her father was so sad and sweet at the same time. I want to see more of her on the channel.


“I had to study how to play with my own child” that hurt my heart but I’m happy for her and her family that she is in a position to have a warmer relationship with her kids than her parents could.


I was raised purely by my father. At 3 I started tap and ballet. He was known at the dad-mom among the other parents and staff, because he was both for me. I started piano at like 8 and he was there for me for both, performances, and recitals. I love him so much I'll start sobbing when I think of anything bad happening to him, because he is at that age now...
Thank you dad for being the best parent ever, and for always being there for me. I couldn't have been any luckier...


What a sweet woman!! And how glad I am that she had a father who was so glad to see her, he cried.


Its so lovely that even though she was taught to hate us, she found such beauty and compassion in our culture. She just spent approximately 10 minutes celebrating us. I love this chick!


I pray that one day the dictatorship of NK will fall, so these people can be free to love.


As a man, and a father, nothing is embarrassing enough to not do for my daughter. Nothing. She is what I live for, and I would die in pain and agony a thousand times, if it meant safeguarding her. What is embarrassment, compared to a child's love? Nothing. What is looking foolish, compared to hearing your child's laughter, hearing the joy that they feel at seeing you fulfill their whims and dreams? No offense, but it is entirely by design that this goes on in North Korea. The government does not want you to have ties to your family, so the government can take over the role of your family. Become your provider, your teacher, your role model. That is why they do those things, why they tell men to not love their own children, so they won't love their own in return. They destroy the family unit, so they can fill the void. In what world is it healthy for a man, or a woman, to not think that their kids are the most important thing in the world? That is, after all, the reason why we are here. To reproduce, to continue the species, and the way you do it is through successful rearing of children. And guess what? Even a dog, or a cat, or a pig, or a rat would defend it's kids, protect them, and teach them how to be successful in life. All it takes to know this, is to observe the world around you, and be inspired. If you can watch a male rat defend his babies from harm, or a dog defend its mate from being beaten, then why wouldn't you see that that is the normal way of things? That if an animal can do this, why can't I?


As a mother there is nothing I like better then seeing my husband play with our children. To see their faces lite up the moment he gets home from work. The happy exclamation "daddy's home!" Children need to feel loved and secure at home. This is more of a modern way of parenting though. In the past 100 years we realized what an important role both parents played in the development of children. Men have finally been given the chance to embrace their paternal instincts without society judging them for it.


It is just human nature for a father to love their children. What kind of government thinks it is beneficial to beat that out of the male population? My heart goes out to the North Korean people...missing all of the wonderful things that the world has to offer for someone's ego.


This makes me miss my dad because when I was 7 and wanted to be a mermaid, he cut-out and colored a mermaid tail out of plaster board and we made a little movie about a girl waking up as a mermaid on the camcorder; he let me listen to the Spice Girls whilst doing chores; he dressed me up as Cruella DeVille for Halloween... the list goes on.
I was so spoiled!


I hope you'll have her again.
She was cool.
And I liked listening/reading her experience.


I’m a happy stay at home American daddy and I do this kind of stuff all the time with my 2 little girls ages 3 and 8. I love them very much and playing with them makes me feel like a kid again 😊👍


I love being a hands-on dad, I wouldn't care if the whole world thought I was crazy. I feel so sad for North Korean dads and their children not having that bond.


"I had to study to learn how to play with my own child." Let that sink in. The next time you complain about some trivial "modern" problem, remember that statement.


I like the way she talks "in my next lifetime" I say that all the time too. But I really hope things get better in my life on this go round.


As a wife and mother in the US this makes me appreciate and cherish my husband even more. Thank you for sharing!!
