The Son Who is Called “GOD” in the Old Testament | Israelis REACT

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Join Jeff on the streets of Jerusalem as he interviews Israelis about Christmas and asks if they've heard of Isaiah 9:6—a prophecy about a son called 'Mighty God.' Hear some surprising answers and learn how this verse connects to the true meaning of Christmas.
#jerusalem #Christmas #Isaiah96 #JewishMessiah #BibleProphecy

Isaiah 9:6 - "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

ישעיה ט ה
כי ילד ילד לנו בן נתן לנו ותהי המשרה על שכמו ויקרא שמו פלא יועץ אל גבור אבי עד שר שלום

Jeff Morgan and Elisha Lazarus are the hosts of SO BE IT! Their lives were radically transformed by Jesus Yeshua and love sharing their faith with their fellow Jewish people.
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Hey Friends! Please read the following for more depth on Isaiah 9:6 and its fulfillment in Jesus.
Isaiah 9:6 uses the prophetic perfect tense, a common feature in Hebrew prophecy where future events are described as though they have already occurred, emphasizing their certainty. This is the same tense used in Isaiah 53 to describe the suffering Servant, which even many traditional Jewish sources acknowledge as future. The child described in Isaiah 9:6 bears titles like Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace—titles that far exceed what could be ascribed to Hezekiah or any human king. While Hezekiah’s reign was significant, it does not align with the everlasting peace and dominion described in verse 7 and the future tense with which it is stated. Rabbinic sources, such as the Targum Jonathan, identify this passage as messianic, referring to the child as the Messiah. Additionally, Midrash Tanchuma connects the government on His shoulders to the Messiah. Even Isaiah 53, often debated, was historically interpreted as messianic by early Jewish writings like the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98b), which describes the Messiah as the suffering Servant. While it’s true that many Israelis today are secular and may not study Scripture deeply, this doesn’t change the historical and contextual understanding of these prophecies as messianic. The connection between Isaiah 9, 11, and 53 paints a picture of a singular figure who establishes eternal righteousness and peace. While Hezekiah may represent a partial fulfillment, the ultimate fulfillment, given the divine titles and eternal scope, points to the Messiah. Jesus fulfills this description, as demonstrated by His life, death, and resurrection, and will ultimately complete it in His return.


We(INDIA🇮🇳) love Jesus Christ & ISRAEL🇮🇱


im a christian from lebanon i hope more of our jewish brothers would come into the light and accept jesus as their lord and saviour to end ongoing conflicts in the middle east, its the only way to be at peace is accepting jesus as lord and saviour


How blessed are we to have been born after the visitation of Messiah … we know his teachings his actions his reason for the visitation …. Many waited a long time for His arrival, and passed on without knowing His teachings His actions … consider yourself blessed beyond measure


Christians of Indonesia will always faithfully stand & pray for Israel... So much love from Indonesia for our Israeli brothers & sisters... ❤❤❤


I believe God is turning the hearts of Jewish people toward himself. MARANATHA.


Thanks for your excellent ‘ so be it’ programmes on You tube, We praise God for you and pray for you and the peace of Jerusalem and for Israel and Gods Chosen and special people, that God would bless His people and they may find and be found by Jesus the Messiah, Emmanuel God with us, and by His Holy Spirit in our hearts and souls. You are a great encouragement to me and my wife. We are in our 80’s. God bless you and keep you make His Face to shine upon you and give you his peace, Amen


Thank you for spreading the message of our Messiah.


What a joy to see Jews accepting Jesus as Messiah. Praise the Lord ! Jews we love you because we love our Jesus Christ❤


When I watch your videos I see God's Spirit in you, in how you treat each person you approach, whether they're responsive or not. My heart aches for those who have never heard, or heard wrong information about Jesus and I know what you're doing fills God's heart with great joy! ❤ God bless you and your family.


Makes me cry to see how they don’t know who their true Messiah is. 🙏 for Israel. Jesus loves you, and died for you. 💕(John 3:16) ✝️


I'm still surprised at how little is known of Jesus in Israel. Watching your videos has enlightened me so much and I must thank you for the work you're doing on the streets of Israel. God bless you 🙏🏻


I hope many Israelites accept Jesus as Lord and Savior


Thank you and we continue to pray for Israel. God bless


Thank you for spreading the message of our Messiah.
Greetings from Cape Town SA.


Christians of Indonesia wil always faithfully stand and pray for Israel.... So much love for our Israeli brothers & Greetings from Indonesia...❤❤❤


You are a Rockstar Jeff!!! Introducing everyone to the Jewish Messiah!!! You love to see it


Sending love from UGANDA. We pray for all mankind to hear the word of the Savior


Hello 👋
I'm Gadisa From Oromia, Ethiopia 🇪🇹

We get messiah(our salivation) from Jew people! Who believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life❤
We love you Israeli 😍


As a saved Christian since 1987, I only started to "see" the real and true connection to the old testament the last 20 years of my life. It is so obvious, glad y'all are sharing this in such a concise way using the tanahk.
