Uncovering the Truth You Can Embrace Your Contradictions

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I love a contradiction. I, that is what I do on my show. They're like, well, you said this last week, I changed my mind this week. And not in like a, okay, Alex, well, we can't believe anything you say, but things change. And things shift, but we have to be cognizant of how we're embracing different parts of ourself. Because if we try to not do that and just stay in one lane, we're not going to grow. We're not going to be happy with ourselves. And we're just going to be appeasing the people around us instead of what do we want? I appreciate you sharing that. Because I think it's a really relatable thing of like, how can I be both? Of course you can be both. It's just society has made us feel like, well, you're a poser. You can't be both. Which one isn't as true? They're both true.
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