Group of order 108 is not simple|Lec-16|Group Theory|MathLOG

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Group of order 108 is not simple|Lec-16|Group Theory|Maths with SuRaj Prateek
your queries-
Group of order 108 is not simple
show that group of order 108 is not simple
how to prove group of order 108 is not simple
simple group
normal subgroup
sylow theorem
sylow first theorem
sylow 2nd theorem
sylow's third theorem
application of sylow theorem
normaliser of a subgroup
0:00 Today's topic
0:24 Definition of Simple Group
1:04 what is P-SSG
3:10 Sylow's First Theorem
3:40 Sylow's 2nd Theorem
4:20 Sylow's 3rd Theorem
5:24 Product of two subgroups
6:12 Lagrange's Theorem
6:42 Normaliser of subgroup
8:09 Subgroup of smallest prime index is Normal
9:14 Proof of group of order 108 is not simple
Abstract algebra-
your queries-
Group of order 108 is not simple
show that group of order 108 is not simple
how to prove group of order 108 is not simple
simple group
normal subgroup
sylow theorem
sylow first theorem
sylow 2nd theorem
sylow's third theorem
application of sylow theorem
normaliser of a subgroup
0:00 Today's topic
0:24 Definition of Simple Group
1:04 what is P-SSG
3:10 Sylow's First Theorem
3:40 Sylow's 2nd Theorem
4:20 Sylow's 3rd Theorem
5:24 Product of two subgroups
6:12 Lagrange's Theorem
6:42 Normaliser of subgroup
8:09 Subgroup of smallest prime index is Normal
9:14 Proof of group of order 108 is not simple
Abstract algebra-
Group of order 108 is not simple|Lec-16|Group Theory|MathLOG
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