How money is created today & Monetary reform

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On Tuesday 13th November Positive Money hosted the inaugural meeting of the Welsh Assembly's Cross-Party Group on Monetary Reform, which was initiated by Darren Millar AM and Julie Morgan AM.

With about 7 Assembly Members present (over 10% of the membership) and numerous researchers, interns and a few members of the public, Ben Dyson explained:

How money is created today - 01:30,
Who decides where most of the money in UK will be allocated - 08:00,
Consequences of letting banks create money - Inflation - 09:55,
Where did the new money created by the banking sector go - 11:18, House Prices - 12:08, Jobs&Businesses - 13:48, Debt - 17:00,

Ben Dyson presented the reforms that could deal with the problems caused by the current financial system:

1) Removing the power of banks to create money - 19:47,
2) Returning that power to a transparent and accountable public body (but sheltering it from political abuse) - 21:22,
3) Ensuring that any new money that is created is used for the public interest and does not fuel inflation - 24:18

Why, although it's been a struggle to find £2 billion to rebuild schools, it was no struggle for banks to create up to £4 billion a week in order to fund mortgages and personal loans - 25:31

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For those of us who live in America, a similar presentation can easily be presented. May I propose that Ben works with us here in the US to deliver an equally compelling recap?

The truth is coming out - let's be careful to insure that the subject of INTEREST is covered whenever the solution is discussed. Yes, indeed, the power to create should be returned to the people, and money should be SPENT into existence, not LENT into existence. This must occur without the scourge of USURY, however.


Hear hear!
Thank you Frank. People who watch this sort of presentation understand that bonded and lent money, which require repayment are the source of the problem.
Money needs to given for our use so we can build businesses which further the true economy, not lent for the sole purpose of disposing owners of property.
They are tying their presentation to a low key "jobs" approach. The problems of govt control, reduced tech development and pollution need to be discussed!


I checked amazon for the book Modernizing Money. It doesn't populate in the search.
Most books give me the option to pre-order. If you want people to get the book, modernize your marketing.
US Citizen here. YouTube and amazon are global communities! People from every country want to help you fight this scourge!


In “Occupying Chairlifts” a simple rule tweak on inheritance ends up changing the direction and purpose of modern human life! Here’s a fair way to transition forward to where we’re rewarded for cooperating and creating instead of competing and conquering.
It's something specific we can demand. If this isnt the best answer, at least we’re thinking about what might be. Are we really just this close to having it work right?
Oh yeah, it's a Ski movie! “Occupying Chairlifts” on Youtube!


Good clear presentation.
Nice to get the quotes from Lord Turner. Not that I think he'll side with reform. He'll just stick a plaster on the breaking damn if anything.


i actually found this presentation hard to follow, its like the speaker kept jumping from topic to topic when inside a topic. I get the general idea tho.


We must bring nature into our money supply!
