Angular 17 & ASP .NET CORE Full-Stack Auth App Tutorial : Step by Step Guide

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Building secure applications is paramount in today's digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats are prevalent. In this comprehensive full course on Angular 17 and .NET 8 JWT Authentication, we'll delve into every aspect of creating robust and secure applications, spanning a wide array of topics from role management to password reset functionalities using mail.
==== Github Repo ======
#angular17 #dotnet8 #fullstack
0:00 Introduction
0:26 Download And Install .NET 8 SDK
1:20 Download And Install Vs Code
1:54 Vs Code Extension Setup
3:15 Download And Install Node
4:15 Create Dotnet 8 Web API Project
5:10 Install Nuget Packages
6:43 One Dark Pro Theme Setup Vs Code
7:23 Create User Model Class
7:48 DataContext Setup
8:34 Add Db Context Service Container
9:23 Setup JWT Setting in appsettting
10:40 Setup Authentication and Authorization
11:18 Add Jwt Authentication
18:30 Create Initial Migrations
20:20 Create AccountController
24:18 Implement Register Endpoint
31:43 Insert Role Data using sql query
32:37 Test Register Endpoint
34:20 Implement Login Endpoint
38:03 Generate JWT Token
41:43 Add Roles in claims
44:24 Test Login Endpoint
45:18 Implement Get Detail of current loggedin user
50:29 Implement Get Method for returning list of users
52:29 Create RolesController
54:06 Implement CreateRole Endpoint
57:15 Test Create Role Endpoint
57:45 Implement GetRoles For Returning all available roles
1:00:01 Test GeRoles Endpoint in swagger
1:00:22 Implement Delete Roles Endpoint
1:02:22 Test Delete Roles Endpoint Swagger
1:04:47 Give Role Based Access (Authorize(Roles="Admin"))
1:05:25 Test Get Roles Endpoint in swagger
1:08:02 Implement Assign Role Endpoint to assign role to user
1:11:45 Test Asign Role Endpoint
1:13:03 Create Angular Project For Frontend using angular cli
1:14:00 Clean up unwanted things from frontend app
1:14:25 Install Angular Material in angular 17
1:14:50 Install Tailwindcss In angular 17
1:17:25 Generate Login component
1:18:35 Design Navbar and Homepage using mat toolbar
1:29:50 Install google font in angular 17
1:32:18 Design Login Form using formsmodule reactive forms and MatInput fields
1:43:16 Implement Login Functionality in angular 17 client
1:43:30 Generate Auth Services and Generate environments in angular 17
1:44:40 Implement Login in Auth Services
1:50:21 Remove NullInjectError angular 17 by adding httpclient module in app config
1:50:50 Enable CORS in .net 8 web api
1:52:20 Test Login in angular frontend and display toast notification after successfully login
1:55:20 Display Current Login User in homepage
1:57:20 Install jwtdecode in angular 17
1:59:57 Dynamically render login register link in navbar and display current logged in user detail
2:10:20 Implement Logout method in angular and display toast
2:11:53 Implement Register in client angular project
2:28:10 Create Role Service and implement roles endpoint
2:29:50 Create new user with roles
2:32:06 Implement Custom Password and confirm password validation
2:40:05 Implement Profile Detail of current login user in detail page
2:47:50 Implement Auth Interceptor for send bearer authorization token in header
2:49:55 ProvideClientWithInterceptor in app config
2:51:02 Implement AuthGuard For protected route with canactive
2:53:34 Implement RoleGuard and Fetch all list of users form backend
2:59:06 Test Role Guard in angular client
2:59:51 Display List of users with their roles in client using tailwindcss design
3:03:17 Implement Role Management / Role CRUD and assign role
3:05:56 Create Role/ Parent Child Component communication with input and output Decorators
3:13:11 Display List of roles in client project
3:16:55 Implement Delete Role In angular client
3:18:48 Implement Assign Role In angular client
3:23:36 Implement Forget Password by sending mailtrap email
3:23:45 Create Mailtrap Account
3:24:12 Setup New Mailtrap Forget Password Template
3:25:22 Create Forgot password DTO in API project
3:25:40 Implement Forgot Password Endpoint in .net web api
3:35:55 Implement Forgot Password client angular17
3:48:50 Implement Reset Password in web api .net 8
3:53:50 Implement Reset Password in angular project
4:00:00 Implement Change Password in client project
4:03:40 Implement Change Password Endpoint in .net
4:10:24 Test Change Password in angular template
4:11:22 Implement JWT Refresh Token In .net 8 web api and angular 17
angular .net 8 jwt auth build secure apps full course
angular jwt authentication .net core
angular login jwt
angular authentication best practices
angular authentication service
install angular jwt
.net core angular authentication
angular auth
jwt authentication net core 6
Authenticating Web API Using ASP .Net Identity and JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
==== Github Repo ======
#angular17 #dotnet8 #fullstack
0:00 Introduction
0:26 Download And Install .NET 8 SDK
1:20 Download And Install Vs Code
1:54 Vs Code Extension Setup
3:15 Download And Install Node
4:15 Create Dotnet 8 Web API Project
5:10 Install Nuget Packages
6:43 One Dark Pro Theme Setup Vs Code
7:23 Create User Model Class
7:48 DataContext Setup
8:34 Add Db Context Service Container
9:23 Setup JWT Setting in appsettting
10:40 Setup Authentication and Authorization
11:18 Add Jwt Authentication
18:30 Create Initial Migrations
20:20 Create AccountController
24:18 Implement Register Endpoint
31:43 Insert Role Data using sql query
32:37 Test Register Endpoint
34:20 Implement Login Endpoint
38:03 Generate JWT Token
41:43 Add Roles in claims
44:24 Test Login Endpoint
45:18 Implement Get Detail of current loggedin user
50:29 Implement Get Method for returning list of users
52:29 Create RolesController
54:06 Implement CreateRole Endpoint
57:15 Test Create Role Endpoint
57:45 Implement GetRoles For Returning all available roles
1:00:01 Test GeRoles Endpoint in swagger
1:00:22 Implement Delete Roles Endpoint
1:02:22 Test Delete Roles Endpoint Swagger
1:04:47 Give Role Based Access (Authorize(Roles="Admin"))
1:05:25 Test Get Roles Endpoint in swagger
1:08:02 Implement Assign Role Endpoint to assign role to user
1:11:45 Test Asign Role Endpoint
1:13:03 Create Angular Project For Frontend using angular cli
1:14:00 Clean up unwanted things from frontend app
1:14:25 Install Angular Material in angular 17
1:14:50 Install Tailwindcss In angular 17
1:17:25 Generate Login component
1:18:35 Design Navbar and Homepage using mat toolbar
1:29:50 Install google font in angular 17
1:32:18 Design Login Form using formsmodule reactive forms and MatInput fields
1:43:16 Implement Login Functionality in angular 17 client
1:43:30 Generate Auth Services and Generate environments in angular 17
1:44:40 Implement Login in Auth Services
1:50:21 Remove NullInjectError angular 17 by adding httpclient module in app config
1:50:50 Enable CORS in .net 8 web api
1:52:20 Test Login in angular frontend and display toast notification after successfully login
1:55:20 Display Current Login User in homepage
1:57:20 Install jwtdecode in angular 17
1:59:57 Dynamically render login register link in navbar and display current logged in user detail
2:10:20 Implement Logout method in angular and display toast
2:11:53 Implement Register in client angular project
2:28:10 Create Role Service and implement roles endpoint
2:29:50 Create new user with roles
2:32:06 Implement Custom Password and confirm password validation
2:40:05 Implement Profile Detail of current login user in detail page
2:47:50 Implement Auth Interceptor for send bearer authorization token in header
2:49:55 ProvideClientWithInterceptor in app config
2:51:02 Implement AuthGuard For protected route with canactive
2:53:34 Implement RoleGuard and Fetch all list of users form backend
2:59:06 Test Role Guard in angular client
2:59:51 Display List of users with their roles in client using tailwindcss design
3:03:17 Implement Role Management / Role CRUD and assign role
3:05:56 Create Role/ Parent Child Component communication with input and output Decorators
3:13:11 Display List of roles in client project
3:16:55 Implement Delete Role In angular client
3:18:48 Implement Assign Role In angular client
3:23:36 Implement Forget Password by sending mailtrap email
3:23:45 Create Mailtrap Account
3:24:12 Setup New Mailtrap Forget Password Template
3:25:22 Create Forgot password DTO in API project
3:25:40 Implement Forgot Password Endpoint in .net web api
3:35:55 Implement Forgot Password client angular17
3:48:50 Implement Reset Password in web api .net 8
3:53:50 Implement Reset Password in angular project
4:00:00 Implement Change Password in client project
4:03:40 Implement Change Password Endpoint in .net
4:10:24 Test Change Password in angular template
4:11:22 Implement JWT Refresh Token In .net 8 web api and angular 17
angular .net 8 jwt auth build secure apps full course
angular jwt authentication .net core
angular login jwt
angular authentication best practices
angular authentication service
install angular jwt
.net core angular authentication
angular auth
jwt authentication net core 6
Authenticating Web API Using ASP .Net Identity and JSON Web Tokens (JWT)