Phoenix mayor: Drawing Mohammed 'purposefully provoc...

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CNN's Erin Burnett talks to Mayor Greg Stanton as tension continues to rise over a controversial Mohammed cartoon contest outside a Phoenix mosque.
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No religion has the right to force their beliefs on others, period.


Dear Mr Mayor..
When a Christian group goes around spreading hate against gays, where are you to protect the people from such "provocation"?

The first amendment doesn't care about religious feelings... it cares about the individual's right to express themselves as long as they do not hurt anybody.

Drawing a cartoon is NOT hurting anybody... but it is expressing a message.
Killing someone for drawing a cartoon is a crime... focus on that ;-)


Damn, my t shirt only says F*** CNN.
I also have one that says the same of fox, MSNBC, etc, etc.


he looks like dollar store tucker Carlson


You need to Start protesting against them Muslims in America government justice for the first amendment rights


Mayor, be happy embracing those who despise Islam


Wants solid votes fm musli.. and refugees


If they were treated like Cleveland it could have been a fair righteous shootout and a damm striking headline


WHAT THERES A MAYOR IN PHEONIX???? How more stupid can I be xD


"Phoenix mayor: Drawing Mohammed 'purposefully provoc...: because Allah scoffs at

You Mr. Mayor: which side are you on as an I.S.I.S. building sits there representative

Really that religious freedom is all you have in one hand while their speeches rip tides

What do you think that you have there while the King of Jordan lives the fear for Easts

While what you really represent is just more of that Western urn of what causes griefs

Such a beautiful reporter you have there listening to your stuff; she's just like a Dream

That says most of Islam is but a mud religion as in fact it is a direct counter to a theme

As hide-outs are these mosques made of such delectable materials as of materialisms

Because the 2nd Amendment of Amen-Re but you show more respect to Akhenaten's

Well let's go to church and pay the LORD all of those taxes called tithes sand offerings

Because it's a right you have just to go waste up all those tax dollars for more policing

While with a due respects to you Mr. Mayor dd you remotely know how the Egyptians

Drove out all that Obama's ancestors ever did and denoted him a heretical King amun

Where the original magic of Thebez all inside that Bible was replaced by 1/10th of sun

Well go check that Bible out where forever Waset the Word of God forever to A M E N

Oh so great was that civil war Amarna was smashed to pieces as every mosque ruins

Is it fun being of the church of Laodicea where this is where a frog is warm for boilings

Straight into the lake of fire where don't you think these are the last of the last of days

Phoenix Arizona is not conducive to these heretics as to Judges 9:50 2 Samuel 11:21
So while we're at it do recall how terrrorists took down the Twin Towers and Pan Am's

And what you got there in that mosque amounts to ='s to you never caught that chime

Meaning the real actual originator of all thought where Allah the prophet is God crime

Where you don't even have enough relevant facts to call that mosque innocent times

Because really Mr. Mayor was there a C.I.A. contract and let go was the master-mind

"The Amarna letters (sometimes Amarna correspondence or Amarna tablets) archive, on clay tablets, mostly diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom." (Reference from Wikipedia as history repeats itself all over again shocked.)
'Published on May 29, 2015'

"CNN's Erin Burnett talks to Mayor Greg Stanton as tension continues to rise over a controversial Mohammed cartoon contest outside a Phoenix mosque."


I didn't even know who our mayor was until just now but my respect for him is as high as possible. As a member of the Phoenix community I echo his statement that this protest _absolutely_ _does_ _not_ reflect the values of our community. I hallucinate I'm not the only one in Phoenix who feels strongly about that.
