CULT 3 Negative Mass: Matter that's lighter than light

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We are excited to announce our third CULT, which will be given by Alex Byrne.

Negative Mass - Matter that's lighter than light

It seems obvious that all matter we see around us has a positive mass. We may have even found it something of a leap of faith to learn that light itself has no mass at all. Although never observed in nature, negative mass is such a widely overlooked idea that assuming m is positive in our working has become instinct. I begin the talk by showing some of the bizarre and beautiful behaviours of negative mass, before considering whether this neglected concept could have an important role to play in modern theoretical physics


CUPS Undergraduate Led Talks is a talk series hosted by CUPS during the long vacation. Speakers include undergraduate Cambridge students interested in giving a talk to a physics audience. The topics generally fall outside the standard curriculum, as many deal with the speaker's summer projects. Due to COVID-19 they have occured entirely online this year, which allows us to publish them here.

 CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society

We are a student-run university society organising scientific talks and other events for our members and public. CUPS is all about the physics you don't do in your degree.

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Most interesting video on this topic that I could find on YT!


The box is the Inertial plane, Zero Point.
The walls are Space and Counterspace.
e->~<e+ = Aether.
Scalable Aether Universe!


This was interesting. What if negative mass works with additional dimensions and only affects with positive mass when there is wave collapse event (and this is jsut my wild imagination playing with things I dont understand and not sure if my questions even make sense). But if there would be such extra dimensions that negative mass affects and moved through as it was pointed out speed would go exponentially up) would it look like it is hopping through space or becomes noticiable when it reacts with positive matter or.. yea now I want to see scifimovie about this. Anyway, thank you for this presentation. I liked question s presented in the QA at the end of this video.

Why I even googled this was that I was interested to see can there be negative speed as a thought game or if we would bypass speed limit defined by uss through experimentstions, what it would change and what else could be discovered.


with negative mass you get Anti gravity lifts you just stand on a plate of negative mass and it lifts you up using your own weight.
