Katelyn Tarver - You Don't Know (Lyrics Terjemahan Indonesia) 'Let Me Just Give Up'

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Lyrics video with Indonesia translation
Maaf ya jika ada salah-salah

Original song : Katelyn Tarver - You Don't Know

Background anime : Orange: Future (Orange -Mirai)

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#Tiktok #Tiktoksong#Sadsong #Sad
Рекомендации по теме

You don't know what it's like

Dapet hate komen, padahal dapet 1 dislike aja deg-degannya minta ampun


mereka ga akan pernah tau apa yg kita rasain. kalo curhat ke temen2 dan orang lain, mereka pasti cuma bilang "yg sabar". yaa, karna mereka juga gatau lagi mau bilang apa. intinya, yg bisa mengerti cuma diri sendiri dan tuhan.


Kadang, yang bikin letih itu bukan bertahan..
Tapi ketika ada yang bilang "jangan cengeng.. semua orang punya masalah.. bangkit dong"


Ngena2 banget lagunya. Bukan galau karna laki2 tapi karna hidup


Akhirnya, yg mengerti kita, hanyalah Tuhan, bersujud dan kembalilah kepada Quran


Karna gk semua orang tau apa yg kita rasain

Dan kita gk bisa memaksa mereka buat paham situasi kita

So keep strong buat kalian semua yg baca komenan gw

Karna you and me its the same


Arti lagunya ngena banget sama yg gw alami, tdk akan perna ada yg mengerti... Cause even if they understand, they don't understand😣😑
Inilah yg gw alami terus menerus dan ga tau d sampe kapan akan gini terus, bahkan gw gatau kapan terakhir gw bahagia, and now I don't know who i'm


Belajar dari semua hal pahit dlm hidup...

mereka dengan semua pemikirannya masing2...
Aq hanya berusaha bertahan...dan belajar utk tidak perduli...
Saat ini...aq hanya berupaya ttp berada di jalur yg benar...walaupun dorongan utk menyerah semakin membabi buta😌😌😌😌😌


Buat supaya klean tau aja yaa,
Ini lagunya itu tentang seseorang yg kesusahan dan suffer from depresi karena org tuannya, bukan gegara pAcAr. Udah jelas2 ada di liriknya tentang dia suffering depression because of her parents tp malah yg laen ngomongin pAcAr ato diTinGgaLkAn pAs lAgi SaYanG2 nYa


Galau karna putus cinta❌
Galau karna kehidupan ✅
Lagu ini gw anggap ini adalah kisah hidup real gw😊
Ad yg sama ._.?
Maap telat 1bulan v:


Saat di tekan oleh keadaan dan semua orang menuntut hasil yang terbaik tapi mereka lupa untuk memeluk dan menggenggam saat berproses


Aku capek, semua orang nuntut hasil terbaik tapi mereka lupa meluk aku saat aku berproses


Lagu ini mewakili semua yang ada di hidupku. Menyerah atas ujian Tuhan. Ingin istirahat saja


Suka sama lagu ini krn arti nya:')


NOT ME The promise story: a girl has really long hair, but the thing is that she doesn’t like it. Everyone thought her life was perfect, she smiled everyday. But in the inside, she was crying for help. One day she was born, their parents made a promise to her. The dad said, I will love you with all my heart no matter what. But... those words meant nothing. When she was 5, his dad looked at her one day, and he was thinking that she looked ugly. His own dad said that.She had a very rough childhood where her parents fought, because the dad was drinking because of the little girl. The mother tried to tell him to stop drinking, but it didn’t work. He was addicted to it. He started abusing the little girl emotionally, and physically. Leaving her bruises and scars, and with dreadful tears. She cried, and cried for several hours, but of course, the dad didn’t care. A few months later, his dad hated her daughter so much, that he left. Before leaving, the dad told her daughter 9 words that she will never forget. He said, you’re not my daughter, and you never will be. Her heart broke into more than one million pieces, as if you were to break a window. The mother still loved his husband, the mom went up to her and said, “I will never leave you.” A couple months later, her mom met a man. Petty much the same age as the little girl’s mom. They started to hang out. Her mom was getting feelings for him. So was the man. They then became boyfriend and girlfriend. Once her mom told her that he was her boyfriend, the little girl stared at him with anger. She clearly did not like him. She could since that something was not right. One day when they were all eating dinner, the boyfriend said, “So I’ve been seeing you getting bad grades lately.” They were all silent for a moment. The little girl said, “why do you care?” The mom Immediately stood up and screamed at her to not talk like that to her boyfriend. The little girl said for the very first time, “I hate you!” She ran upstairs to her room and shut her door. Soon the mom also started drinking and did the same thing to the little girl like the dad did to her. Soon they both got married. The little girl felt miserable. She was 12 and she had 2 friends who had known each other when they were 7. But the other 2 friends were getting tired of her. They thought she was boring because she was into math, and they too were into sports you know.. one night the girl went to a fast food restaurant all by herself. She saw her 2 friends unexpectedly. She was about to go up to talk to them. But as she got closer, she overheard them talking about her. They were saying that she was slut, and was a nerd. She felt a stab in her back. She then turned around and ran away crying. She became depressed and started cutting. Some people saw that she was acting depressing and they said she was doing it all for attention. She one day cut her hair and somehow she felt happier. She forgot about all the bad memories. But then at school, everyone was staring at her, she felt strange. Her 2 ex friends had spread a rumour about her. They all hated her. When she was in high school in her 3rd year, still nobody liked her. She lost all her friends. The teachers even hated her! And she thought, “why am I still here? No one loves me.” She wanted to undo her sad. All the ones who used to love her, made a promise. And they broke it. She once walked up the stairs. Everyone stared at her. She was heading up to the rooftop. Some people followed her. She was climbing up the fence of the rooftop. “Just jump.” Said someone. So she did. Everyone was shocked. Some even started sobbing. She heard them crying and she wanted to undo it. But she couldn’t. She also started to cry... and she said her last words... she said, “it’s for the best.” She hit the cold hard ground. She died. It’s over. Game over.

You can’t undo decisions you make. Our decisions are final and we have to live with that. If you’re depressed, please find someone to talk to. Parent, friend, therapy, anyone you can trust. Please. For what I’ve heard, every 40 seconds someone commits suicide. I don’t want that person to be you. Stay strong. You have so much to live. 💜


Karena terkadang orang lain hanya ingin tahu tanpa memberi penawar atas rasa yang tengah kita rasakan ..


klau ada saudara, teman yg lg ada masalah dan lg depresi jgn katakan ini 'ayolah bukan cuma kamu yg punya masalah, '..

atau ini 'saya tau bagaimana perasaanmu'.

krn sejatinya tdk ada yg tau perasannya selain dia sendiri dan Tuhan


Selalu jadi tempat cerita orang lain, tapi diri sendiri gatau harus bercerita ke siapa. Orang lain selalu datang ketika mereka sakit seolah aku adalah penyembuh mereka tapi ketika mereka sudah sembuh mereka melupakan ku. Aku lelah, muak, marah, haruskan aku menyerah? Untuk apa bertahan sampai sekarang kalau hidup ini hanya melihatku sebagai barang yang saat sudah tidak dibutuhkan dapat langsung dibuang.


punya lagunya tapi ttp enakan di yutub klo liat: (((.. Btw feel nya dpet bgtttt


Lagu ini cukup untuk mengingatku pada 2020 lalu!!😔
