Метеорит САЛЬСК. Метеорит Донского края №134 / SALSK meteorite. Meteorite of the Don Territory N.134

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Новая находка метеорита в степях и балках под Сальском (метеорит №134 в моей коллекции)! Спасибо Анатолию за магнит! Спасибо моим напарникам и напарницам, геологам, астрономам, музейным сотрудникам и честным поисковикам, которые меня поддерживают! Целых два стихотворения, встреча с блатным пастухом, образовательный курс по метеоритному веществу с микроскопом, и шлифы в конце! Как всегда, набираем обороты профессионализма в поэзии и метеоритике!
Поиск метеоритов. По всем вопросам, Алексей Кривенко: +79185225125
A new find of a meteorite in the steppes and ravines near Salsk (meteorite No. 134 in my collection)! Thanks to Anatoly for the magnet! Thanks to my teammates and partners, geologists, astronomers, museum staff and honest search engines who support me! As many as two poems, a meeting with a thug shepherd, an educational course on meteorite matter with a microscope, and thin sections at the end! As always, we are gaining momentum of professionalism in poetry and meteorics!
Search of meteorites. Rostov-on-Don. On all questions, Alexey Krivenko: +79185225125
Поиск метеоритов. По всем вопросам, Алексей Кривенко: +79185225125
A new find of a meteorite in the steppes and ravines near Salsk (meteorite No. 134 in my collection)! Thanks to Anatoly for the magnet! Thanks to my teammates and partners, geologists, astronomers, museum staff and honest search engines who support me! As many as two poems, a meeting with a thug shepherd, an educational course on meteorite matter with a microscope, and thin sections at the end! As always, we are gaining momentum of professionalism in poetry and meteorics!
Search of meteorites. Rostov-on-Don. On all questions, Alexey Krivenko: +79185225125