Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

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Nestled among pearly the white luxury super yachts of Athens, is the world’s last remaining heavily armored cruiser of the 20th century and living monument to Greek history, RHNS Georgios Averof. Were it not for the budgetary constraints of the Italian government, and the will and testimony of a deceased, but generous benefactor, the Greek navy could have looked a lot different from the one that were equipped to dominate the waves in the First Balkan War, and help resist Nazi Germany in both World Wars.

Naval Legends is a series about the construction, service, and daring deeds of legendary 20th-century ships.

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Ok boys let's see how many people want a historical movie with Averof


As a former Hellenic Navy destroyer engineer, and a Greek member of our proud WoWs community,
I want to express our deepest gratitudes for this mini-documentary about this True Naval Legend of our century!
Thank you WG! 🇬🇷⚓️🇬🇷⚓️🇬🇷 o7


109 years in service, 5 wars and she had only 2 crew member dead and 8 wooded. WOW!!


This ships deserves a place in the game because it has everything: A true heroic story, a legendary captain and it belongs to the country with the largest commercial fleet in the world! Give to the Greek people their national treasure!


Fun Fact : The Greek Navy is also called "The Invincible Hellenic Navy" because from the ancients times there is no record's of the Greeks losing a naval battle to another nation (this goes from WW2 all the way back to the battle of Salamis).Also, Averof's nickname is "The lucky uncle George" because of his risky style of fighting and the fact that he survived 5 wars


I think this story would make an amazing Hollywood movie. 1 ship vs an entire navy repeatedly and always emerging victorious.


Salutes to the Greek and their proud maritime tradition, this ship is fitting towards it!


the hull and armor are Italian
the boilers and engines are French
the generators are German
the armament is British
but most importantly:
the crew and captain are Greek


Virgin Bismarck
-Had shitty air defense
-Died in WW2 to outdated Torpedo Bombers
Chad Averof
-Continued in service for over a century
-Ripped apart Turkish fleets
-Carried the hopes and dreams of Hellas
-Lost only two crew


My father served as an officer on the Averof from 1939-1946


Remember Greece historically always had some of the best sailor in the world, the Greek islands are full of these sailors.Its not only the equipment but the talent of the sailors.


My grandfather served this war ship as an artillery operator
in both world wars. He was born in 1898 and passed out at the age of 92 years old.. Very proud


Averof: "exists"

Turkish navy: Why do i hear boss music?


How many ships do you need to defeat the Turkish fleet.
Averof : Yes!


The entire world in 19xx : This is an armored cruiser
The Greeks : this is a battleship
The world : no, it is a cru---
the Greeks : BATTLE-SHIP!


Next up in your Balkan war news:

Local armoured cruiser litterally too angry to die


Two more stories about admiral Kountouriotis which demonstrate his daring, heroic character and his patriotism.
After the Battle of Elli the Greek goverment congratulated but also admonished the admiral because ''he exposed the most modern and valuable ship of the fleet to great danger''. He answered that ''the battleships are intented for use in battle'' and ''possible damage or destruction must not discourage us from the nessesary actions.''
In 1913 the Ottomans bought a super dreadnought which was under construction in Great Britain by Armstrong Whitworth (It was the Rio de Janeiro ordered initially for the Brazilian navy). This alarmed the Greek goverment as with this ship the Ottomans would take the upper hand and another war would possibly break out. Kountouriotis went to prime minister Venizelos with a plan: he will take a torpedo boat and wait in the open sea near Gibraltar and as the ship is coming from Britain ''I will nail her with two torpedoes and sent her to hell. Of course after that you will have to disown me and dismiss me from office (I don't care), Greece will pay reparations but Turkey even if all hell break out will be unable to move against us'' (the words are exact). Venizelos freaked out with such a daring proposition and didn't answer. However, the WW I shortly broke out and the ship was consficated by the British authorities and entered service as the HMS Agincourt.


She's a beautiful old lady. I had the pleasure of touring her last September. She's a treasure the Hellenic Navy and citizens of Greece can be and rightfully are, proud of. As a retired RCN sailor, l know how much has gone into her upkeep and it shows she's lovingly cared for and in good hands. If you ever get a chance to visit her, do so.


Averof : I just defeated a entire fleet by my self

Bismark : But I destroyed the Battle cruiser hood

Yamato : I didn't even get to fight any other battleships


And this gentlemen is why the Aegean Sea is Greek
