Lloyd Evans, Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchdog - Friendly Atheist Podcast EP 56

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Lloyd Evans, Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchdog - Friendly Atheist Podcast EP 56

On a personal note, I’ve learned so much about the seedy underbelly of the religion by reading his work.

We spoke with Lloyd about why JWs are suddenly getting more attention, the most painful aspect of leaving the faith, and the awful afterlife in store for those who didn’t make the cut for the “chosen” 144,000.

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Podcast was great!! Lloyd, you nailed it, you made this twisted religion easy to understand for the average person that has no clue about JW's.... You covered so many great points, this is the kinda thing we need~~~Exposure!! You represent the EX JW Community well my friend!!


Keep up the good work love you your youtube channel and podcasts.


9:00 AM today morning. 2 witnesses women knocking on my door...damn it's Sunday !!!


TAV, it's interviews such as this that exposes the WT for it's cult practices, and it educates others on what is really going on with the person who is knocking on your door peddling cult material with a smile on their face, dressed in their "sunday" best. Deceptive!

As usual Lloyd you articulated the JW experience in a way that someone who is not a JW can understand.


Ah, my two favourite YouTubers in one!


I would love it if you interviewed John Dehlin. He hosts Mormon stories podcast and helps people leave Mormonism


I think you have a slightly skewed idea about how JW's view their hope of living in a paradise earth, verses being one of the 144, 000 will live and rule in heaven. When I was a JW, I never wanted to be one of the 144, 000. Almost all the JW's I knew believed they were going to be living on a paradise earth where everything would be perfect. They didn't think of it as being a conciliatory prize for not making it into heaven. You say that you're surprised that they're recruiting new members who would potentially take their spot, but what you don't understand is that almost no one wants to be in heaven. They want to be on earth with all their resurrected loved ones and others who will make it through to the New System. This group is called "The Great Crowd" and has no limit placed on it. Many of us (especially as kids) looked at the 144, 000 with such reverence that we felt uncomfortable around them.


my jw family have not talked to me since i came out as not wanting to be a jw anymore


Heres a thought is the j w s like these scame competitions where you have to keep sendjng more and more money to get the super promised prize .there are continual promises that never happen and constant changes of rules you have to invest everything you have i e your life and it all a big con in the end you get nothin .just a thought thats been in the news lately


*yawn* I've heard this all before. Its just absurd how many terrible catastrophies there exist in the world and religions abusing humans and people choose to focus on the JW's of all people.
So much for "friendly atheist", I expected better. How dull and closeminded.
