Why your home is always MESSY!

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Why your home is always messy and how to get it tidy for good!
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I started the trash bag thing this week and it was great! I made it like a challenge. "You can't stop doing this chore until the bag is full!" And I filled the bag and said goodbye. Day 2, I got rid of 2 huge boxes of stuff I'm not using. I'm excited to do it again today.


This is all so true. “Less is more” when it comes to having a peaceful and tidy home.


I stumbled across this video two months ago and it changed my life. I’ve been decluttering ever since. It’s already made such a difference. Dana K White and Dawn from Minimal Mom (both on YouTube) have some great videos too.


I do a pretty good job of decluttering on the regular but lately, I've had a desire to pare down way more than previously. I'm finding that I have several of some things because none of them are exactly right. My husband is not agreeing with this process but I'm finding that I'm starting to purchase the thing that works the best so I can get rid of several things that don't. Money-wise this many not be great but I love the feeling of having one nice thing that's just right and seeing four other things go out the door.


In under a minute you have pretty well said everything on this subject, that hundreds of videos go on and on about.💖


You are amazing! Real practical tips. I do the daily tidy without fail but now need to double down on the decluttering 🤗❤️


Yes it’s true!
I’m an Organizing Queen Bestie!

I love love love organizing my entire home!

I’m the BumbleBee/Cricket!

I love things hidden in bins but I can do clear bins.
I can visual look at the pretty and functionality of it.
I literally organize my kitchen pantry right now like this :
- Cans organized by categories.
- All spices are in a clear gray bins.
- All Plates/Bowls in clear gray bin.
- Baby plates/bowls in gray bin.
- All my utensils (forks, knives etc) in clear gray smaller bin.

Everything has a home!

My clothes are hidden in drawers /wardrobe.
I like to see the things I use daily but it’s in clear gray bins by size small to large.
My daily wash bathroom items are in a clear large bin.
My daily hair items are in clear large bin (brush, comb, sprays, flat iron, grease and any clips etc).

I only have the decorative items & candles on top of my dresser (my candles are hidden in small porcelain/clay plant potters it’s more decoratively pleasing to look at that way.

My Bumble bee style:

- Organize in Clear bins

- Can do color coded if needed but in this case it’s no need

- simply place like items together and my daily used items in 1 large clear gray bin

** I love to see my items but in a decorative + functional way

My Cricket Style :

- All my items can be hidden (clothes, shoes etc)

- I prefer them to be hidden but in my current living space the daily users shoes are seen and the ones that I don’t used daily for work are hidden in my IKEA WARDROBE

- I hide things in bins or very elegant bins but it has to be functionally and beautifully organized

- I don’t like seeing the things like papers, clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances, broom/mops, etc.

These things that are being used nerd to be hidden ALWAYS!

I only can see the things I used daily like a coffee machine or blender or tea pot.
My pots/pans and other bulky items are hidden in the pantry or cabinets organized in it’s category style.
I love using smaller containers for rice, noodles and flour but visually seeing this is more designerish.

Now when I move I will organize in my original Cricket (hidden in bins and categorized way for my kitchen, bathroom & bedroom areas)

My Bumble bee style will be displayed for baby boy area and other areas where seeing these items will be necessary inside of beautifully clear bins.
** I can design a book shelf in an bumble /cricket way that so elegantly beautiful organized way.

I use labels for my + children needs. I don’t go all crazy with it just simply where it’s needs in hidden items that the family uses (refrigerator is best for this in clear containers)

Hope this helps someone!

Ty clutter bug for sharing your awesome tips!!!


What helps me is to set a timer so I don't stop before it goes off. I set it for a least 15 minutes, depending on what the task is. I have found that I often keep working after the timer goes off because I have gotten into it and don't realize it went off


This is so true! And I really admire you for all the effort you’ve put into losing weight. You’re an inspiration!


Thank you !!Because some shows miss this and tell you to get 50 bins lol ..I have decluttered more bins then stuff lol .


It gets easier as yrs go on ! I have 2 giant long bedrooms and a full bath upstairs . It's now 1 master sweet . It locks empty, as in main bedroom is 1 chair, no one sits in . 1 dresser to hold tv, and 1 queen bed . Large windows opposite off bed, 2 stool side tables holding lites and they charge phone, and 1 picture above the bed . It's so easy to clean . I love it .


THANK YOU XXX have kept this on loop...we got our dishes done, hopefully mended the washing machine too, just testing this whilst making a cup of tea !! Now trying and put you on home screen.


It’s a 100 degrees here and she’s wearing a sweater dress. Love the tips. Just get stuff out. So you can breathe.


Perfect!! Simple and effective!!! Thanks so much!!


This is such a succinct video! Thank you!


Top Tops! ❤️ 10 min tidy up makes a huge difference!


Cas I'm loving your shorts ..keep them coming ♥️👍


Makes sense. I've started... Stopped, got side-tracked, BUT! I've got trash bags(I know HOW to use them) and am going to start again on throwing things out! Have some things for upcoming Garage Sale at my daughter's, but a lot of stuff is going to trash. I'll feel better. Thank you 🤗🙏🏻


I am a bottom line gal, and this is your most valuable advice ever on decluttering. Get stuff out of your house. I once had to help clean out the possessions of a deceased hoarder. After a task like that, I keep nothing in my own home that isn't being used.


I agree luge got to get rid of stuff before you try to organize. I’m at the point now where I have to choose what I spend time on. I tossing and giving things away that aren’t worth my time to go thru every single thing. If it’s in a pile it hasn’t been used and I likely don’t need it.
