How to Configure Static NAT on Cisco Router in Cisco Packet Tracer | SYSNETTECH Solutions

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This video shows you how to configure Static NAT on Cisco Router using the Packet Tracer software.

To configure #Static #NAT:

Step 1: If you have not installed #PacketTracer before, please refer to the following videos to install Packet Tracer on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Step 2: After installing it, add two Cisco Routers, one Cisco Switch, and two computers to the Packet Tracer workspace.

Step 3: Specify local and WAN IP addresses.

Step 4: Configure the network for the local network and the network for the WAN.

Step 5: Assign IP addresses to the computers on the local network.

Step 6: Assign IP addresses to the GigabitEthernet interfaces of Router0 and Router1 and turn the ports on.

Step 7: Test the connection by pinging Router1 over PC0 and PC1.

Step 8: Next, configure the interface as follows because the Gig0/1 interface of Router0 is in the IP NAT INSIDE field.

R1# conf t
R1(config)# interface gig0/1
R1(config-if)# ip nat inside
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config)# interface gig0/0
R1(config-if)# ip nat outside

Step 9: After you have defined the Router's IP NAT regions, execute the following command to configure Static NAT in Router0 global configuration mode.

R1# conf t
R1(config)# ip nat inside source static

Step 10: If you ping Router1 over PC0, you can see that the network connection is established.

Step 11: Now, ping to Router1 from PC1 and check that PC1 cannot reach Router1.

Step 12: Since we have not configured Static NAT for PC1, PC1 will not be able to reach Router1.

Step 13: Execute the following commands in user mode to verify and control Static NAT.

➦ show ip nat translation
➦ show ip nat statistics
➦ clear ip nat statistics
➦ debug ip nat

Step 14: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco Networking training with Packet Tracer!

What is Static NAT?

Static NAT creates a fixed translation of real address(es) to mapped address(es). With dynamic NAT and PAT, each host uses a different address or port for each subsequent translation. Because the mapped address is the same for each consecutive connection with static NAT, and a persistent translation rule exists, static NAT allows hosts on the destination network to initiate traffic to a translated host (if an access list exists that allows it).

The main difference between dynamic NAT and a range of addresses for static NAT is that static NAT allows a remote host to initiate a connection to a translated host (if an access list exists that allows it), while dynamic NAT does not. You also need an equal number of mapped addresses as real addresses with static NAT.


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The only tutorial on youtube that works. Thanks alot!


go 1st lean som networking and then come dont misguide people clearly pc1 is not able to ping the ISP and u have mapped pc0 address with the g0/0 bro then g0/0 interface will not be able to ping the ISP router atleast dont misguide people
