10 FEMALE TESTS Men don’t even know EXIST

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Attract and Keep the WOMEN you want using MBT Below!🔥


Dad said to me once when I was a youngling:

“Son, some women talk about having a man who is emotionally available, sensitive, not afraid to show true emotion, maybe even cry a little if they’re sad, and so on… but go ahead and try it once.

You’ll figure out real quick women don’t know anything about what they really want.”

Dad was not wrong.


My grandfather lived to 104 and one of the best pieces advice he gave me before he passed was to not chase women. He didn't say don't get women he said don't chase them. Stop worrying about what they think, be yourself and let it come to you.


"A man's face is his autobiography; a woman's face is a work of fiction." -Oscar Wilde


I solved the "frame control" thing with a simple phrase. If I say we're going to restaurant A and she says " No! I want to go to restaurant B." I respond with "Are you treating me to dinner then?" That stops her frame control really quick if she thinks she has to pay.


there are 3 questions you should ask yourself when dealing with a woman:
1. Do I benefit from it?
2. Does She act/speak out of respect for me?
3. Does She pursue mutual goals? (or manipulates to get what She wants)
If even one of the answers is NO, Ditch her or let her know that you will if she`ll carry on.
And DO NOT be afraid to lose her! She`ll lose respect to you and walk off anyway.


I used to watch these types of videos ad nauseam in my 20’s and while I feel like some men might find this helpful, frankly this advice made me afraid of dating. It wasn’t until my early thirties that I decided to say “f*ck it.” And just start dating people. I’ve been with my partner 7 years (our anniversary is tomorrow at the time of this writing). We’ve had our ups and downs but have stayed together through it all. To the young men watching this and reading this comment: I know you may feel inner insecurity but rest assured, whatever partner you have will have their own vulnerabilities and there will be times when you will need to be the caretaker. You will need to be the emotional support. As for dating: Get out there and ask women out on dates be it online or in person.
Don’t be an a-hole
Bathe regularly and keep yourself in reasonably good shape.
Try to find someone who is compatible with your values
Limit the amount of time you spend watching these dating advice videos. Some of them may have some value but they will ultimately make dating and relationships seem overly complicated and will cause you to procrastinate.
I’m pulling for you. We’re all in this together!


Most of these are not tests. They are immediate grounds to dump her. She has zero to no sexual attraction. She makes rules for Scottie and breaks rules for Hottie.


Tests women play
1. Compliance
do chores, tasks etc
2. Competency
Dare to do things
I bet you can't do...
3. Frame Control
Changes your plan
Doubts your safety
4. Rules
5. Course of Relation =
Doesn't trust your relationship
6. Comparison to other men...if so, leave
7. Comparison to other relationships (submission test)
8. Attention Test
(Fishing for other options)
9. Respect Test
10. Emasculated test....she hints that she is leaving =she does not want you.


Literally society has gotten to the point to where we have to take classes on dating


*me taking notes frantically* :

-never do any chores again
-dont trust tom and becky
-avoid wendy's at all costs
-everything is a test, especially if she mentions john
-captain america can rival superman

ok im good to go


This is the most comprehensive and practical list of women’s tests. Pure gold.


A freaking class to understand women. Both useful, sad, and hilarious.
But this is all so true. Been married 20 years and ALL these things have happened and I probably failed them. I don’t regret it though, I was an excellent husband. If you rationally look at this, it is a blueprint on how to destroy/abuse men.
Not worth it. Hit it and leave. Keep your money for yourself.


Had an ex after 1.5 years tell me "she didnt want to break up but she wanted to move back to her state." I sat down and said "wow ok i understand, when will you be leaving." All of a sudden it was "i didnt mean that i have just been stressed and missing my family." She literally flipped in about 5 seconds after my response. It only lasted a couple more months, i started to check out and do my own thing and ended things.


I'm a high value man regardless of how a woman test me, I don't need her idea of what's high value to know or validate that. I happen to be divorced after a 27 year marriage. At this point in my life I do what I want, when I want, how I want, where I want. I get to keep all of my money and spend it as I wish, on what I want, where I want, and don't have to answer to anyone about it. I love women and love having one around, However I wont ever be tested, pigeon holed, forced into doing what I don't want, ever again, just to have a sex partner when it's convenient for her. I have never been happier in my life, and I've had a great life.


Before anybody says anything - I'm not saying for a second that we men as a species are a perfect creation - we are well aware of our flaws but out of bitter experience I will tell you what I've learned from all my relationships - and I will tell you now it's taken me 25 years to reach where I am now having finally woke up from my ignorant slumber.

It does not matter one bit if - you could be the nicest, most sincere, upstanding moral individual, who buys her flowers and chocolates on a daily basis, who loves animals and children and helping old ladies across the road, who volunteers at a soup kitchen in his spare time, takes his girl for meals, cares about her deeply, professes his love for her regularly, makes her meals for her coming in from work, runs her hot baths with scented candles around it - basically you could be GOOD personified - if you aren't giving her the high hard one in the way she likes it, she will leave you.
No woman is interested in how YOU feel. She is only interested in how YOU make HER feel.
There's all this modern talk today of how men should open up their feelings when depressed as the suicide rate for men is much higher than women due to the fact that men are seen as being weak if they show emotion or talk about their feelings but it's a plain and simple fact that so many, MANY women still have that mindset of wanting their man to 'be a man' or to 'man up'.
If a man was to cry all the time and show his emotions, do you really think a woman would respect that? Nope, she'd be the laughing stock of her friends - "oh there's Weepy William at it again" etc.
Women have it all ways - they can pull the horriblest, most evil rug from under you, changing their feelings and emotions on a daily basis - sometimes using their time of the month to get away with the most horrendous behaviour, they can slap you, stop you seeing your kids, poison them against and push you into having a mental breakdown but if you were to lay a single finger on them, youd be hauled off to jail quicker than you could say police report.
They want you to be the strong one, someone to brag about to her friends, to be her rock, to F*** her and f**** her well, to be an example to her children - but she wants you to be in touch with your emotions and to display them and talk about them ...

On a genetic instinctive level, it's built into the woman's DNA to constantly look for the strongest mate so this goes back to me saying it dosent matter if you were sent down personally by God himself, and you were the nicest guy ever to grace his earth, you would still be moved aside if a guy with a better job, a car, and better prospects comes into the scene.
No loyalty, no respect, no gratitude. She will lie to you through her back teeth when it's time to let you go - she will string you along upto the point where she has decided to go with the other guy, just to make sure she doesn't end up with nothing.
Or worse still, one day or overnight she will cut you off in that cold and crazy manner that ALL women are capable of.

It doesn't matter how many handheld strolls along a beach beneath a gorgeous sunset you have had together, how many cost Christmas Eve's you shared or the puppy you bought to together,

Here's a piece of advice - once a woman has decided to break up with you, you are generally She's made her mind up - you don't measure up to whatever crazy scale she has concocted in mad head - you are doomed regardless .
You have a few options at this point - you can cry, beg, demand to know why her feelings have changed, go to pieces - god forbid threaten suicide (this really wouldn't be worth it, as there is no piece of skirt worth ending your existence on earth over - remember, it's just a pair of breasts and a vagina) - but no, if you just stand firm and solid and look her straight in the eye and say
"Jeez, that's really too bad. I sure am going to miss your (insert your fave body part here)"
At this point she will be confused and her world will be in dissaray. See, all women have a secret fear that men are only with them for sex and you saying this will confound her worst fears. Sure, you will be crushed inside, but if you can manage this one tactic in the face of relationship oblivion, then you have dropped a nuclear bomb on her plans.
In reality, she's probably already started moving Johnny's stuff into her apartment and was looking forward to telling her witch's coven -
"Oh Brad was so upset when I broke up with him, he cried and was suicidal. I don't think he will ever get over me"
But if you make her believe you were only with her for her 38f breasts, then next time one if her friends asks about how it went, her reply will be "I don't want to talk about him"



For everybody saying only bad women are testing - you have to understand that this is not simple, this is not games, its the psychology of the evolution, in the past a woman coudn't protect her children from predators for her lack of physical power she needed a man, not just a man, but a man strong enough both mentally and physically to be able to react to danger. The best way a woman could choose such a man was through tests on emotional level. Are some women testing boundaries - yes, but MOST of the time a woman has no idea she is testing you herself, she is just following an instinct and reacting to the response. This is why being nonreactive and staying cool is the single MOST important thing by far to keep in mind while dating. Good luck.


Yeah my ex GF started all this shit testing after about a year together and I called her out on a lot of it and she would back down and comply but then she would test more frequently and more dramatically. When this shit testing starts getting worse it’s over just cut your losses and keep you self respect and break up with her. Trying to communicate and fix things just makes her misbehave more. It’s done move on. Honestly I believe they do this to end it anyway they just don’t have the courage to end things themself so they sabotage the relationship poke holes in it to try and make you end it. It’s what they actually want.


Bear this in mind. ALL test immediately stop when she knows you are not afraid to walk away. Tests continue only for the simp, or the man that is afraid to be alone, or afraid to leave. Generally that means married men are screwed...


Been married for 20 yrs and I personally went thru all 10 tests. I can say that once you got all the bases covered, it is a sweet life.
