Martin Munkácsi

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Martin Munkácsi was one of the leading pioneers in the early 20th Century. His diverse style and range influenced some of the biggest names in photography including Edward Steichen, Richard Avedon and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

Munkácsi changed photojournalism though successful careers at Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung in Germany and Harper's Bazaar in the United States.

Interestingly, despite his huge influence on modern photography, he's one of the more obscure names in recent history. But importantly, Martin Munkácsi brought photography from the older pictorialist school of working into the new Modernism of the mid-twentieth century.
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Martin Munkácsi was groundbreaking - awesome that you appreciate & honor this singular genius and his amazing and varied body of work! Eternal indeed.

I had the privilege to see his work exhibited in Munich. Went there 3 times during my short stay over


For me this photograph was the spark that ignited my enthusiasm, I suddenly realized that by capturing the moment photography was able to achieve eternity.It was the only photograph to have influenced me, this picture has such intensity, such joy de vive, such a sense of wonder that countinues to fascinate me to this day.I suddenly understood that photography can fix eternity in a moment.-Henri Cartier Bresson


I guess the biggest asset of these great photographers is their eyes!
We have passed through a lot of these scenes in our life over and over again - but we never thought that they could be captured in such amazing way!


As my wise art professor taught me long ago always keep looking around. Take photos, look at photos, read about photography. I came across Munkacsi a while back, thanks to a new friend at the University of Kansas. Always good to learn more about the world around us. Thank you for this video!


It is very curious how many great Hungarian photographers were out there in the first half of the twentieth century: Andre Kertész, Moholy Nagy László, Brassai, Munkácsi, Frank Horváth, Robert Capa etc. It seems that the medium was somehow well suited for them. Almost all of them became famous abroad unfortunately...


Thanks, Ted, for elevating a photographer that is relatively unknown. Nice job!


I am still catching up. Your artists series is a college degree in its own right, Ted.


I really enjoyed this episode.  I also liked the book approach.  While you are not able to zoom in and out, being able to see the paired images at the end of the episode was one of the most impressive displays of Munkácsi's work. 

I look forward to new episodes each week.  Well done!


this being the first I've seen of Munkacsi's images, I can feel an immensely prominent visual signature that I've never felt before, and yet it pushes me to create more unique and creative work in my own photography. that is some staggering work. wow.


Martin Munkácsi wa new to me until I saw this and as a guy that got into photography through sports while being half-hungarian I feel so inspired now. Thank you!


I liked the whole voice over that you did and then actually going over the physical book instead of doing it online like you would normally do 


I have just found these videos from 2014 where you introduce us to different photographers. I do not have a formal photography education and I really enjoyed your presentation on these. It is one thing to look at photos from the past great photographers - it is most helpful to have someone explain and walk us through the photographs so we understand what makes them so great. The fact that you added some biographical information on the photographers made it even more interesting. Thank you for these kind of videos.


Just love this guys delivery. I am getting into taking pics more now...only on my phone cause its what i can afford for now but i really like how he analyses everything.


That last book which he didn't have a chance to publish.... It is simply stunning, duality at its best.


Agreed! One of photography’s unsung heroes or ‘influencer’! RIP Martin Munkacsi!


We are just a tiny part of time. The juxtaposition sequence was very interesting. Thank you.


Great content, thanks for bringing spotlight on this artist. The way you introduce these photography heroes is so captivating and makes us to want to know more. This one makes me stop and think about depth of my own photography, self discover and be able to verbalize why I took this shot.
What other similar vision photographers would you recommend to research?


Dear Ted, thank you so much for this special on Martin Munkácsi. He is really great!! I had never heard of him before, I am sorry to say. But thanks to you I have been able to wander in his book and see the photos through your eyes. I am grateful for your sharing this with me. I am so lucky to have lived another photography day with you :-). Please stay well ... I cannot and do not want a day without your lessons :-)


What an amazing photographers! His work is outstanding thank you for bringing him to light!


Complacency gets the best of even the most legendary of photographers
