Heroic Dose Trip Report | Psilocybin Mushrooms (Life-Changing)

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Heroic Dose Trip Report (Psilocybin Mushrooms) // Last weekend, I went on the trip of a lifetime. Today, I’m telling you all about it. Welcome to my "heroic dose" trip report!

0:00 - Intro
1:42 - What Is a Heroic Dose? {heroic dose mushrooms, Terrence Mckenna}
2:04 - A Word on Dosing (in Psychedelic Medicine)
3:47 - Context: Who, What, Where {magic mushroom ceremony, healing trauma}
6:15 - Diving Into the “Mother Wound”
7:51 - Peaking in 5D
9:58 - Where This Could’ve Turned Into a Bad Trip (but Didn't)
13:04 - Grounding the Journey
14:52 - One Last Lesson To Learn

UPDATE: As of Sept. 25, 2022, I am NO longer affiliated with Intronaut.

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The use of magic mushrooms completely helps one get over depression and makes you feel like yourself.


Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.


Psychedelics like psilocybin mushrooms have shown a lot of promise in helping people with mental health issues.


I’ve started my micro dosing journey on mushroom after you video sharing your experience with depression. It’s been very subtle so far but I think I have almost found the right amount to take. I live in Europe and thank god we have Holland to send this to us across different countries 🙌🏻


I've experienced my first psylocobin trip yesterday and I've watched many of your videos beforehand. And the whole experience was wonderful! Thank you so much for what you are doing. 🙏🏻


I loved that quote "Mushrooms can't kill you but they can make you think they can" hahah, so true. Many people mistakenly fixate on their breathing and freak out, your body will breath just fine all on its own without your thinking about it, just like it does when you are asleep. Not a good idea to even think about your breathing while in a psychedelic experience, that will only distract or worry you. You made the perfect choice to embrace and let go, and fully experience the moment. It's a gift that you are very sensitive to psychedelics, many people aren't able to experience them the way that you can.


There’s something about your videos. I won’t watch anyone else’s when it comes to talking about microdosing or shrooms. You’re so peaceful and caring. Makes me much more comfortable about taking shrooms just by watching your videos. Thank you


Mushrooms containing psilocybin saved my life. They aided my benzodiazepine withdrawal allowing me to quit illicit pill addiction after three years of heavy daily use before it would’ve become medically dangerous to quit. It has also helped me survive depression.


The best trip of my life, I saw all of time and history. I was shown the meaning of life and all existence. I knew I was in and out of another dimension that was as real as the floor under my feet. I suddenly felt part of something much bigger than myself. It was beyond any earthly comprehension and I am a better human because of that experience. One thing that was really fascinating, is I was transported to a native American village and I walked among the teepees. I saw women working skins, and putting things in pottery, which I saw a lot of lying around outside the doorways of the teepees and near the cooking fires. I saw medicines being made, and children running around. I was completely unaware of anything other than where I was at that moment...I could scratch the dusty ground with my feet. I didn't want to leave that place, but suddenly I slipped out of that dimension into another, and found myself in space where I observed universes being created and endless dimensions to explore. My knowing of everything was all at once, and it was very reassuring.


What a beautiful trip report. I could never summarize a trip so articulately, especially one this intense.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm a Norwegian at 62 and started using magic mushroom only a month ago. But I'm a bit scared of the mushroom because as you mentioned about letting go instead of hang unto my mind makes me more angeous instead of being carried away and let the mushrooms take me were it wants to.
In Norway it's strictly prohibited to use magic mushroom. And so there is no where to find a psilocybin guide or therapist who can work as a trip sitter. But, I know that one day I will have the opportunity to have a full experience on shrooms. I'm so grateful for your sharings of experiences and I learn a lot from you.
Thank you so much and God bless.


You too are one of those angels for sharing your experience so courageously, articulately, and whole heartedly. The possibilities for plant medicines healing the world one person at a time are real and powerful- we need to keep spreading the word! 🙏🏻❤️🌿🦅


Hey Julianne, what a very moving video. I have spent over 6 years (2009-2016) in Cambodia and it catapulted me right back there. Ever since I went there on a holiday for the first time, I could sense the Khmer people’s trauma. They hardly ever talk about it and I admire the way they look towards the future and not the past, like we westerners do way too much in a negative way.

Not that what happened in Cambodia in the past should be forgotten. I can’t remember how many times it brought me to tears while visiting the killing fields and other sites related to the genocide that happened in the 70’s with people still dying years after from malnutrition and disease. But then there are also those very beautiful memories that I carry with me in my heart.

I haven’t been in Cambodia after I came back to the Netherlands in 2016 and my realtionship with my ex-boyfriend/husband ended in a malaise (narcissistic personality) here in the Netherlands and I stayed behind not knowing who I was. It took me a few years, a therapist and some mindset courses to find myself and still working on it.

In the last year I’ve been experimenting with psychedelics on my own and with a trusted friend (my soulmate) and I’ve come closer to myself than I ever had. This would’ve never been possible with anti-depressants. I’ve also been in a guided ayahuasca ceremony twice which turned my life upside down, but in a positive way. Now I am growing my own “schrooms” at home and thinking about doing a heroic dose, but still not sure how. I can almost call myself an experienced psychonaut so I think I can handle it, with my soulmate as a tripsitter/angel (which she is❤) by my side.

In november of this year I will go to Thailand and Cambodia again and travel together with my mom for a month to revive my memories and visit some of my friends over there. When you started to talk about your mom (and you) being Cambodian (it wasn’t the reason that I started to watch this video and it wasn’t in the title of course) tears were already running down my face. Even though I haven’t been there for the last 7 years, it still lives in my heart.

Thank you so much for sharing this video. It opened up my heart and made me feel deep emotions about a country that I once inhabited and I feel blessed for the experience that I had there, the good and the bad. It has made me the man that I am now and I would never wanna make it undone.

I hope you don’t mind me oversharing 😅 bit I felt I needed to do this.

Thanks again and I wish you a wonderful life from the bottom of my ♥️



I'm around so many Khmer people and sometimes I hear what the parents been through and it's definitely soul breaking. There are stories of women who lost their vision due to sight of slaughter, it was that traumatic. Some for forced to shoot their siblings if they wanted to live. There were babies abandoned left and right laying on the floor. Being the second generation of khmer or even war-torn Vietnamese like me now growing up all over the world, our mental health is in need of attention now more than ever. And being asian, our parents just tell us to be quiet. 2 weeks ago a khmer guy who my friend just met committed suicide and recently I've learned that suppressed emotions may play a huge role in this. It numbs me deeply but I will never stop fighting for the us to be emotionally vulnerable, even when society gives us shit for it. especially the men.


Thank you so much for this heartfelt report. I cried when you described your vision of your mom as a child. I cried again when you described your feeling of trust and appreciation for the healer at the end of your trip ... really, from my heart, thank you. 🙏


Thanks Julianne for being so raw, vulnerable and real! It's incredible to watch you grow and step into even more of your amazingness! Your courage sets such a huge example for others to follow. Thank you for being YOU!


I am so happy I found your channel. I too have deep trauma from childhood and my mom sounds a lot like your mom. I hope I can can get to your level of acceptance and genuinely compassionate understanding. I was crying with you watching this vlog. Side note, I suffer from immune comprised respiratory issues, I think I would fight for my breathing.


This truly hit home for me. I hope I’ll be able to be ready for a heroic trip soon. I am 24 and I started my first trip when I was 22. Definitely want to keep journeying with psilocybin and learn and heal and grow. You are an angel and thank you for sharing this! ❤️


Yooo i just had a 4 gram lemon teck experience yesterday and i watched this video a little before my trip, i revisited m childhood to adult, which was alot of chaos, but then i saw myself in a crib as a baby being raised with love instead of the chaotic situation i was born in.. thank you for planting that seed.. it was AMAZING!


What a beautiful report. Thank you so much for sharing. You're never alone. Hugs from overseas :)
