The Most Underrated Glute Exercise

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The Most Underrated Glute Exercise

The stronger your mind-body connection is?

The more you can lift, the faster you can run and the further you can cycle!

Basically the STRONGER YOU ARE!

Strength is not just about brute force but also about neuromuscular efficiency - how quickly can you recruit the CORRECT muscles to perform a movement and produce force.

That’s why it is key we include exercises to really improve that mind-body connection and make sure we are able to engage the correct muscles whenever we need.

Because as much as we focus on form, proper form does NOT always mean you’re engaging the correct muscles.

Actually often the more experienced a lifter you are and the more athletic you are, the more you can mimic a proper looking movement pattern while compensating and recruiting the incorrect muscles to do so.

This can not only result in injury but often holds us back from lifting as much as we truly can.

It prevents us from being as strong as possible because we aren’t using muscles efficiently together. We aren’t making the correct muscles pull their own weight.

That’s why you need to include some isolation moves to activate those underactive muscles and make sure you’re engaging the correct muscles at the proper times.

One muscle that often needs to be the focus of our activation work is our GLUTES.

Our glutes are commonly underactive due to our modern lifestyle.

So focused activation work can help us improve our mind-body connection to better recruit our glutes during compound lifts and when we run or cycle.

One of my favorite moves, and a very basic and often underutilized move, is the Single Leg Bent-Knee Reverse Hyper.

This move is fundamental if you want to improve your hip extension and focus on isolating those glutes.

And it’s a really great way to test if your hamstrings tend to want to take over and compensate for your glutes.

Often our hamstrings can become synergistically dominant for underactive glutes and that can result in hamstrings strains, lower back, hip and knee pain.

So if you tend to feel your hamstrings even during moves like glute bridges? You need to give this reverse hyper variation a try.

To first test your glute activation, lie face down on the ground. You can relax your chin on your hands as you straighten both legs out. Then bend one knee to about 90 degrees. Flex that foot. Do not curl the heel in toward your butt as this will engage your hamstrings.

Then drive your heel toward the ceiling and extend your hip.

What do you feel firing first? Do you feel your hamstring first or your glute?

Do you feel both? Or can you just isolate your glute?

If you can just isolate your glute fabulous! Do 15-20 reps and pause at the top to really establish that mind-body connection and even get a little pump going.

If you can’t feel your glutes, try adjusting how you’re cueing and performing the move.

Here are a few tweaks to try.
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One of the best fitness and health channels out there! Informative, straight to the point and genuine no nonsense advice. Thank you 👍🏻


"We are never above the fundamentals." I cannot agree with you more.


I noticed that my right glute immediately fired, and I had to focus more on the left. I love unilateral exercises because it forces me to create a better mind-body connection. Thank you Cori!


The Most Underrated Glute Exercise by the most underrated fitness channel on Youtube! I am commenting in hope that more people get this recommended and discover this unique channel ;)


Doing the right moves without feeling the right muscle activate, won’t get you anywhere .. great words


People at any level MUST watch and absorb this. The philosophy here applies to everything, not just Glutes. It took me years to learn and feel mind-muscle connection and recruitment patterns. This is literally the key to progressing strength and size. As said, it is so easy to "go through the motions" and even create the correct 'looking' form but with incorrect muscle recruitment patterns. Incorrect muscle dominance and recruitment is such a big issue. Particularly as it's unconscious more often than not. Glute recruitment is still an ongoing problem for me. This video is absolutely superb quality with some new cue's I didn't know. I even recommend this channel to the Personal Trainers working at my gym 😄😄


I really like how you simplify everything, break it down to small and easy concepts which we can implement


Happy that I felt my glutes immediately! Saving this for an activation exercise for my runs.


I will definitely try this. Glutes and core muscles are the biggest powerhouse in your body. If you are able to fully engage your core and your glutes you can tremendously improve any movement. A buddy of mine always says "My glutes and my abs are my life insurance".
Great video!


“Pause and assess” this is a great recommendation - thank you!


You are so knowledgeable and I'm thankful that you are sharing plethora of knowledge with all of us. You have helped me make that mind to muscle connection. Thank you for offering these videos for free


I am so happy you talk about mind/body connection. Years ago I had teachers who would talk a lot about that connection, I had forgotten about it. Now I am/will be much more concious as I move.
Thank you


Your videos about proper form and doing certain exercises to target muscles have been so helpful to me. Love seeing when you post. Thank you!


I love watching your videos as they make me understand things when i can't even call myself an amateur (i didn't do any kind of sport in my life and now that I'm 34 I want to become more healthy, both body and mind).
My sister recommended your channel and I couldn't be more grateful for this.


Great video Cori! I purchased your Booty Burner program in November and hands down it has been the best fitness purchase I’ve ever made! I had constant pain in my TFL and pins and needle feeling when I laid on my side. Both symptoms are gone and I recommend this program to anyone who will listen! I had no idea my glutes had stopped working. I fell victim to just lifting heavier, instead of focusing on a specific muscle, years ago and it caught up to me in my 50s. Thank you!!❤️


Ive been in agony for about 6 or 7 weeks with back pain, muscle pain, hip pain. I tried everything and anything but within 1 day of doing your glute exercises i've made huge progress. After just 2 days of doing them im almost pain free. Im subscribed and intend to keep up the progress and follow your exercises regularly. Thanx a million. x


I find it sad that there are people who don't have your qualifications or knowledge yet they have more subscribers and views. You are so well informed and demonstrate exercises that I've never even heard of or seen before. I used to think it was Maya Angelou who said "Give people their flowers while they are still alive." But that line has been in songs as well. So basically I'm not sure who originally said that but it's true. You are so incredibly talented. I've learned so much from your channel. I wish you even greater success. And there's also no other channel with two adorable dogs in every video. Some people are missing out on helpful and very useful information accompanied with adorable little dogs.🙂🐶


Liking the way you break down all exercises and movements. Definitely area of attention for me right now 😉
Keep up the great work.


I really appreciate you identifying exact muscles, body mechanics, what impacts joint problems and what to do for better strength and mobility. Much more helpful and targeted than just videos of exercises.


Thanks! I got down on the floor and connected my mind with my glutes, and youˋre right! It was an effort not to engage my hamstring muscles. Lots of work for me to do. Great videos.
