Antonyms : 400 most important Opposite words in English | Vocabulary words | Mohan Saha Sir -English

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Antonyms : 400 most important Opposite words in English | Vocabulary words | Mohan Saha Sir - English Skill Improvement

Antonyms / Opposite words :

Happy - Sad
Careful - careless
Rapid - Slow
Failure - Success
kind - Unkind
Valid - Invalid
Hard - Soft
False - True
Begin - Finish
Allow - Disallow
Back - Front
Bad - Good
Necessary - Unnecessary
Normal - Abnormal
Start - End
Entrance - Exit
Endless - Limited
Quick - Slow
Receive - Send

Watch videos to learn English :

Verb Forms

Opposite Words


Noun - Adjective - Verb

Regular Verbs



Single Videos of "English Skill Improvement"

Nominal Compound

List of Verbs

Modal Verbs

Basic English Questions

Basic English Sentences



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In this video, we are going to explore the 400 most important opposite words in English. These words will help you to improve your English vocabulary and learn new words quickly.

By learning the opposite words , you will be able to expand your knowledge of the English language. This is a great way to improve your speaking and writing skills, and to improve your understanding of English grammar! This video is perfect for students of all levels. So, watch this video and learn English easily.

Your Queries :

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400 most important opposite words in English
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Music : Eyes On You (Sting)
Mood : Network 415

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