God was SCARED of Adam &Eve | Gay Jesus #shorts #deconstruction #cc

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That's right it's listed as the sole reason they were kicked out of the Garden.

It is made very clear that should they eat from the Tree of Knowledge they would gain understanding of Good and Evil like Gods. So after they did? They were removed IMMEDIATELY from the Garden because they would know what happens if they ate from the Tree Of Life- Immortality.

'God' themselves in Genesis says they were removed for this reason. Because if they had both? They would be equal to GOD. And the Christian/Judeo God HATED competition. It's all there, in the Bible. Deconstruct on that for a bit, the picture looks different when you break down the real reason they were not allowed in Eden. Can't wait for the apologetics on this one. They always try SO HARD to make this one part a metaphor lol.

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We are getting into the deeper theological topics. Buckle in. This is not your typical religious or spiritual channel, I encourage questions and critical thought! After all THIS is the time for christian deconstruction. We love all and this is a queer space.

I am available on all socials as 'Jegaysus'

Spread love. gAyMEN
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That would be bad indeed! Could you imagine some of these people living forever?? 😳 and that’s with all their supposed “knowledge” of good and evil. It’s a good thing those 2 kids ate an apple 😌


I was told that after Eve ate the fruit God saw this and sat down Eve Adam and the shake(because of course we are all his children) and taught them the difference between good and bad. I think this represents why I see God as a more forgiving and loving figure while my friend sees Him as a impatient almost scary being after hearing about the version of God throwing out Adam and Eve form the forest and making them work until they died


This is the most fabulous Sunday school class ever. I love your work so much, please keep doing you


Don't worry because God will have his retribution

It's ramping up the closer we get to the end I pray for the safety, protection and redemption of all the believers


Stem cell scientists: "Hold my pipette."


I'd like to share something I'd recently been discussing with a friend, which is the possibility that the tree of knowledge didn't really reveal anything that they didn't already know. It could be interpreted that knowing that eating of the tree was bad, was them already having knowledge of evil, and that the tree was there as a test of their hubris. In essence it was their pride in *wanting* to be like God that caused their fall. And so the knowledge that they were naked was not a revelation of any truth that was hidden from them but evidence of their pride. Suddenly they were too prideful to be unclothed. It was not enough for them to be given knowledge from God, they wanted the state of God to know all things, therefore shaking off their dependence upon him. But I don't think the tree of knowledge gave any real knowledge, that they did not previously have.
Please correct me if I'm mistaken.


Pretty sure they meant forever in spirit and not in their physical body, this has also been interpreted as it gave them the ability to gain enlightenment.

It's a metaphor for spiritual alchemy, turning the lead of the material body into the gold of spirit, essentially ascending or becoming enlightened and akin to Jesus or Buddha etc.

This knowledge and interpretation was suppressed for a reason. The early churches needed ppl to rely on them in order to make money. If they knew they could just go off and become enlightened without the church they wouldn't need the church. So, behold, the story changes to fit the needs of the church. Of course they also made sure the story conveniently made women the bad guy who needed to be controlled and suppressed. Not an accident. It fit the needs of those in power, as it still does.


My favorite thought about Creation.
The word being translated as 'day' can ALSO mean 'eon'

During the first eon'...

6 eons of creation.

Deity created the world and caused it to evolve.

And, well, given the role of Satan (something between a prosecutor and a provocateur) I've always read the thing with fruit as VERY planned by (omniscient, omnipotent) Deity. God WANTED then to eat of the fruit - what was the POINT, otherwise? Humanity would basically just be animals, if not intelligent ones. They'd have no CHOICE, just thoughtless slaves.

Without the ability to choose evil, the act of doing good is meaningless. Free Will is the POINT. 😇


Is that why we stopped living so long!?!


I had always thought of it as, he knew we weren't ready for it. I mean just look at the world around us. Immortality AND godly knowledge spells economic disaster as well as divide. Except for instead of it on just Earth it's all over the world. Having knowledge is also noticing the differences between everyone. Also what if the trees were a test but not what we've been taught them to be. So like yeah don't eat from the one specific tree that God told us not to eat but what if God was just wanting us to be honest and have some accountability? I mean if you tell people to not touch something eventually someone is gonna do it. Adam AND Eve played the blame game, a game that I unfortunately know all to well how to play. It's a bad habit and I'm working on it. Ofc there isn't any thing from the bible to out right support this idea, but it's just something I've wondered, I mean why else create the trees there? I guess that's just a question for glory


If wolverine has taught me anything is that immortality is bad


You need to read "The Last Testament"
It's a satirical book, written from the perspective of God, writing a tell all memoir.
His description of what "actually happened" in the garden of Eden will have you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


so we now have integrity and moral values and what makes us humans seperate from animals WAS because we ate the fruit? if so that makes alot of sense now iv been asking what made us different from animals and other beings on the world what made us special


Lobsters apparently got kicked out of the garden for the other reason.


First of you just took the serpents words right out of his mouth there. Second God didn't want them living forever in a broken world of sin.


The fruit was also never described as an apple. It was called a "fruit"


I like how there are 2 creation stories in genesis. In 27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
To me this makes God a hermaphrodite (forgive me if that word is offensive, i don't know another word for it..intersex maybe? If anyone knows a less offensive word please let me know).
But then you have " 7 then the LORD God formed the man of bdust from the ground and cbreathed into his dnostrils the breath of life,  and ethe man became a living creature..


It says it again as they try to reach to heaven and bake bricks, look at what they can accomplish together be like us, we must go down there and scramble their language so they become us too quickly


Woe to this man 😢, for false words come out his mouth


It was merciful. Imagine being stuck in sin forever.
Bible in a year podcast by Fr Mike Schmitz. Biblical context is important.
