The Trimurti - The Hindu Triad of Unity (HinduVerse)

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In gereral the trimurti represents three gunas or qualities of life.
Brahma as the creator is in charge of raja-guna – the quality of passion.
Vishnu as the maintainer is in charge of sattva-guna – the quality of goodness.
Shiva as the destroyer is in charge of tamas-guna – the quality of ignorance or darkness.
It has been suggested that the emergence of the Trimurti was perhaps a deliberate attempt to reconcile the major Hindu deities of the time into one universal Godhead in order to minimize the spiritual competition among devotees, and to promote unity and harmony.
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I took the Trimurti Dhyana mantra. Not to worship three separate Gods, but to praise the three ultimate aspects of God.

Wonderful video, thank you for posting it. Namaste, brother.


the quality of ignorance, these words are so underestimated.


In Hinduism God is only one called Brahman (🕉️) which is infinite existence consciousness bliss and Hindu trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Siva originated from the supreme Brahman through Maya.


in 3:13 you talk about smarras? I cant find anything about them in google. Who are this people


In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious,   the Most Merciful..

The Creator is Allaah Exalted and Most High ☝️🕋 as is well known. To whom belongs the Kingdom of the Seven Heaven's and Earth 🌎 and all in Between. Everything comes as his Creation so Worship is only for him for which we are Created too.. Idol or Statue Worship was no more than Untrue Myths and that's why was forbidden by Prophet Ibraheem until the last day.. God's Grace and Mercy comes free so nobody needs to go through any Idols. Prophet Ibraheem was the Father of the Prophet's and all The Prophet's were Paternal Brothers so no exemption can be made, even with the Final and Seal of the Messengers. Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon them


Hinduism is not a mythology
Please my right
