IWMW 2019 - Day 3 Plenary Sessions

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IWMW 2019, the annual Institutional Web Management Workshop, will take place at the University of Greenwich on 25-27 June. The theme of the event, the 23rd in the series, is “Times They Are A-Changin'”

This session's themes are Delivering Digital and Strategic Thinking.

Delivering Digital

09.00 Announcements
09.15 P11: Static Site Generators – Developing Websites in Low-resource Condition, Paul Walk, Antleaf

09.45 P12: Developing Communities of Practice, Anna Radley, University of Greenwich

10.15 P13: Ask Us Anything!, Members of digital teams at the University of Greenwich

Strategic Thinking

11.15 P14: How to Turn a Web Strategy into Web Services, Stratos Filalithis, University of Edinburgh

11.45 P15: Looking To The Future
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