MERLIN webinar #16: Transforming Freshwater Restoration through Nature-based Solutions

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Kirsty Blackstock (James Hutton Institute): Transforming Freshwater Restoration through Nature-based Solutions – Working with Six Economic Sectors

MERLIN aims to mainstream freshwater restoration through the concept of Nature-based solutions. This means tackling societal challenges through working with nature, for the benefits of people and biodiversity. Part of the transformative process is to try to work with economic sectors to identify opportunities for them to support restoration and NbS rather than opposing restoration as contrary to their business interests. These sectors are: Agriculture, Hydropower, Insurance, Inland Navigation, Peat Extraction and Water Supply & Sanitation. This webinar will introduce the approach taken in MERLIN and what we’ve achieved in the first two years of the project; as well reflecting on what we’ve learnt along the way about the challenges to working at scale with such diverse actors.

For a preview of the material that will be covered, please see our briefings or listen to the podcast.:

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