Δηλώσεις Σόιμπλε

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As a citizen of germany I feel deeply ashamed to be (mis)represented by this arrogant finance minister. Unfortunately roughly 40% of the voting people in germany would vote for his party (again) because our media presents him as "the strong man defending our taxpayer's money against the greedy and inveterate Greek". Most economists, even those who are obviously not left wing at all, agree that austerity is not working (besides being inhumane) but our stern believers of neoliberalism, Merkel and Schäuble, won't listen to any voice of reason.
I'm afraid Greece is dependant on the success of PODEMOS in Spain to actually change Europe, as Spains economic weight is too important to Europe to be ignored like greek interests are being ignored currently.

Dear citizens of greece, please do not build your opinions about germans on the disgusting comments of this ignorant minister.


Unglaublich die arrogante Art und Weise von Herrn Schäuble. Ich schäme mich für Deutschland!
Wie kann man nur so blind sein!
