Astronomers Discover Rapidly Growing Black Hole in Extreme Early Universe Galaxy

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Astronomers from the University of Texas and the University of Arizona have made an exciting discovery of a rapidly growing black hole in one of the most extreme galaxies known in the early universe. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), a radio observatory in Chile, the team has identified the galaxy, named COS-87259, as a new type of primordial black hole heavily enshrouded by cosmic "dust," causing nearly all of its light to be emitted in the mid-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The discovery could provide new clues on the formation of the very first supermassive black holes and raises several questions about the abundance of very early supermassive black holes and the types of galaxies in which they typically form. The findings were published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and the lead author of the paper, Ryan Endsley, said the discovery takes a step towards building a much better understanding of how billion solar mass black holes were able to form so early on in the lifetime of the universe and how the most massive galaxies first evolved.

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The problem only arises because astronomers assume general relativity is right about light information taking time to reach us because it has traveled so far per the speed of light. So they assume telescopes are looking at distant galaxies when they were young.

But according to special relativity's time dilation and quantum mechanics' quantum entanglement and James Maxwell's equations on EM fields, light information doesn't take time to travel any distance. According to quantum entanglement the light information happens in a quantum instant. According to James Maxwell's equations on EM fields when the observer or measuring device like a telescope is located inside the electromagnetic field being measured, light information takes zero time to travel any distance. Thus, because telescopes are contained inside the EM field being measured, then light information does not take time to reach us. So, telescopes measure distant galaxies as they look today, not how they looked in the early universe. That's why the galaxies are massive.

Many years ago I brought up these points to astrophysicists and physicists and I was ignored. Apparently they couldn't comprehend what I was talking about. So, instead of trying to convince them I published several books explaining it. I even accurately predicted astronomers would eventually discover supermassive galaxies, some larger than the Milky Way but further than 14 billion light years away. Think about it.

If the telescope wasn't inside the EM field being measured then the distant galaxies and stars would not be detectable. So every distant star and galaxy measured by telescopes are observed as they look in the now. We can't use a telescope to look into the past. All light particles contained inside the EM field are all quantum entangled to each other. The moment light is measured all it's information is conveyed in an instant to the telescope or observer.

Einstein called quantum entanglement spooky action at a distance because it meant his general theory of relativity was wrong. Einstein understood it but apparently astronomers can't grasp it. And now, telescopes are finally discovering just how wrong Einstein's general relativity is because the most distant galaxies are way too large to have formed in the early universe. Indicating the universe might be much older than we thought it was. But nope, the solution is simple. We can't use a telescope to look into the past. Telescopes see everything in the now because each particle of light inside the distant galaxy's EM field is quantumly entangled to each other. So the information occurring to one light particle is instantly conveyed to all the other light particles upon measuring.

Believing you can use a telescope to look into the past is as silly as believing you can use a microscope to look into the future. Light information happens in a quantum instant when the observer or measuring device is contained inside the EM field being measured.

I figured if peer review won't listen to me then I would have to publish the theory in books prior to telescopes discovering I was right. And now, astronomers are perplexed because the galaxies according to them are supposed to be young in the early universe but instead are more massive than our milky Way? LOL, just as I predicted they would eventually discover. They don't know what they're talking about. They won't truly understand until they read my books. Then they'll be like, "Why didn't I think of that? It's so simple."

I also made many other predictions about what the telescopes would eventually discover. Like matter and energy is not homogeneously spread throughout in the universe per the big bang and cosmic inflation theories. A big bang never happened. Comets are not born in an Oort cloud surrounding our solar system.

In the books I've explained what causes gravity, and it's not the warping of spacetime. I explained what's causing the motion pinned on dark matter. Hint, it's not missing mass. I explained what's causing the accelerated expansion of space with distance. No longer do we need to call it dark energy. I also predicted what astronomers will eventually discover about supermassive black holes, which in turn will defy the laws of thermodynamics, general relativity and the laws of motion. I came up with a solution to almost every mystery physicists and astrophysicists have yet to solve. Like where Earth's water comes from (present tense). Why hot charged particles form near the sun and then rapidly accelerate away, producing a solar wind.

Soon, everything you were told about the beginning of time, black holes, how galaxies formed and more will be shown to be completely wrong by much more powerful telescopes than the JWST. Astronomers and astrophysicists won't know where to begin or how to explain any of the future observations. Some will go mad. Some will get mad. Some will question why they've paid so much for their so called advanced education just to find out they were taught misinformation the entire time. Maybe they'll want a refund? Or, they could read my books.

I sell them at cost of publishing, printing and shipping. I don't make a huge profit off them. They would make excellent study guides for college students, universities and high school students.

Like the free world wide web concept proposed in the 80's, I believe knowledge should be free. Laborers however should be compensated for their effort and time. Even thought I've spent more than 18 years studying field equations and trying to understand the universe, I still offer my books at cost. Information should be free.


so... first a galaxy.. then black hole?
what holds the galaxy pre black hole? and that makes stars to form?
emm I do not get the chrono logistics.. (that dos not mean much)


I have a question: Is there black holes in our milky way galaxy and is it possible black hole will come to our solar system? Ps your space videos are best. 🕳


Maybe this is the first material clue that massive early black holes are the seed of the galaxies instead of be created in their core by their gravity.


This entire video is flawed. There is no such thing as an early universe in an infinite universe. Period.
