Fireside Chat Ep. 204 — Why Homeschool Is Winning | Fireside Chat

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As a result of the shocking decline of our educational system and culture, parents around the country are increasingly opting to homeschool. What are the primary challenges? Is it worth it? Is it the future? Dennis has an insightful conversation with some current and formerly homeschooled students. Enjoy!

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I hesitatingly started homeschooling my 3 kids 2 years ago. None of my fears or doubts came to reality. Best decision I ever made


Homeschool mom of 15 years here. My oldest recently graduated with his associates degree (with honors) at the age of 17. Ivy League ACT score. Homeschooled Kindergarten through graduation. And now going for his Bachelor's Degree in gov't and law. (As long as money isn't an issue. Thankfully, his college doesn't accept gov't loans. Or even scholarships that other kids with his high scores would get.) Homeschooling can be done...and done well. Please don't believe the lie that it needs to be left to the "professionals". With the resources available today, brick and mortar schools are SO outdated. You CAN homeschool!


You know what I'm gonna be honest. I am bitter as hell about this whole thing. I homeschooled my kids before it was cool. I'm black and not rich but I got married and had all my kid's from one man and we both decided when I was pregnant with my first child that I would stay home and homeschool our kids. Maaannn I got ridicule so bad from my family and "friends". NOONE was doing that, barely anyone was even married. My counties homeschool office was a one room trailer behind the school board 🤣. If it wasn't for old school Dr. Laura radio show i wouldn't have made it. I'm partly joking about being bitter. It's just hilarious that this is normal now.


One thing I notice about the young people on the sofa: when they aren't talking, they are listening attentively to the person who is speaking. That is not something I see all the time from young people today - these kids have learned to pay attention with respect.


Dennis, please interview the parents who homeschool too so we can get guidance and insight !


these kids are significantly more articulate than their peers in public schools. I'm now highly considering homeschooling my future kids.


"How do you ever socialize?" was the constant question I got growing up a homeschooler. How ironic now. So grateful to my parents for their commitment to 12 years of at-home education (and a priceless parent-child bond!), my brothers who became my best friends, and all the friends (of all ages) met through co-ops, church, and community ed projects! My mom always said she thought God had a sense of humor because she wasn't trained to be a teacher AT ALL, and I echo that now here in Taiwan where I teach English. Homeschooling may not be the solution for everyone -- but I wouldn't trade it for the world.


I dropped out of my high school senior year because of corruption in the staff.
I did home school to get my diploma and I swear I learned more on my own than at school. School was social, home school I was able to focus on learning.


It’s quite strict here with lockdowns in Ontario. I’m homeschooling my kids because I don’t want them to wear masks all day.


My husband and I both work full time, traditional 8 to 5, Monday to Friday jobs. We started homeschooling our two young elementary children this year. My husband goes to the office to work and I work from home. During the day the children have math and reading online and we do Science, History, Bible and LA once a week in the evenings or on the weekend. The beauty of homeschool is that it is flexible and you can do what works for you and your child.
I want to encourage anyone on the fence to just jump and homeschool - where there's a will, there's a way!


I've never met a home schooled student who wasn't more advanced, mature and interesting than public-schooled students of the same age. Impressive panel.


When my husband and I decided in 2000 that we would homeschool our children, we had no idea how important that decision would turn out to be. We are in our final year (our youngest is a senior). No regrets. It was hard at times, but it would have been harder had we not built our strong family ties. 10/10 highly recommend. Would do it all again.

PS The opportunities and curriculum options available now are so incredible. I'm a little jealous. 😉 Don't be afraid.


Homeschooling is hard. I have 4 sons and they’re full of energy and some days it feels like too much…BUT I don’t ever regret homeschooling them and we have so many incredible moments together. I have had moments where I was close to putting them into school, but I keep coming back to the many reasons why I homeschool and I can never do it. The pros truly do outweigh the cons and the hard work is truly all worth it. Investing in your kids is one of the best things you can do ❤️


My wife and I home and private schooled our daughter K-12 and she entered college when you're early.
With all the lies and anti-American garbage being taught today, there's absolutely no way I would ever send my child to a government indoctrination center, AKA Public School. And this coming from a former educator who used to teach at a large public high school.


I was homeschooled for most of my education. Very grateful to my parents for instilling in me good Christian values and allowing me to form my own beliefs and morals without being indoctrinated by the public system. I consider myself a stronger person and more independent thinker because of it.


Live local! If you have children in a public indoctrination center, pull them out. At the very least it deprives the school of the funding for your student. Home schooling isn't easy, but it's very worth it. Children tend to be better behaved and family relationships tend to be closer.


Six of my seven grandchildren are homeschooled. Thank goodness. Oh yeah, the other one is a small town police officer, and in the Marine reserves. I’m proud.


I’m so impressed! They are so much more mature than typical young adults their same age.


I've been homeschooling my child since she could sit up. She's kindergarten age and we are doing well! Love this!!!


I was homeschooled K-12, fantastic experience. I have two bachelors of science degrees I am an RN and have a successful career. Will homeschool my future children. Glad to see this promoted
