'Python, Threads & Qt: Boom!' - Teijo Holzer (Kiwi Pycon X)

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Teijo Holzer

We will investigate problems and pitfalls that will occur when using threads & Qt together inside a Python application, including unexpected memory corruption and crashes.

"Quick introduction to Python & Qt: PySide/PyQt
Threading in Python & Qt: QThread, QRunnable, QFuture
Thread-safety and re-entrancy of QObjects & QWidgets
Inter-thread signals & slots
Event loops & long-running tasks
Memory corruption bugs in PySide & PyQt"

Teijo has been working professionally with Python for more than 15 years, the majority of that time in the Visual Effects Industry. He has detailed knowledge about the core Python interpreter and strong experience in working with massively concurrent algorithms, both on a system level & UI level.

#kiwipycon #kiwipycon2019 #python #pycon #wellington #programming

Kiwi PyCon is an annual conference aimed at promoting and educating people about the Python programming language. The New Zealand Python User Group is proud to present the ninth national Python conference in New Zealand.

Sun Aug 25 10:40:00 2019 at Auditorium 2
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