3 Things You Can Implement Immediately to Eliminate Mental Boredom & Improve Athletic Performance!

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Coach Robb: 3 Things You Can Implement Immediately to Eliminate Mental Boredom & Improve Athletic Performance!

Takeaways associated with 3 Things You Can Implement Immediately to Eliminate Mental Boredom & Improve Athletic Performance!
► Three Ways to Change of a Workout for Mental & Physical Improvement:
► Workout volume (duration of time exercising)
► Workout Intensity (heart rate number)
► Adjust the work to rest ratios (amount of time working vs. resting)
► What Makes a Workout or Race "Hard"?
► Running out of breath: Aerobic Capacity
► Muscles fatigued: Muscular Strength
► Lack of sprint speed: Lactate Tolerance - Anaerobic Threshold

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