How Fox News Melts Your Brain | Part Two

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second channel: @shansorbet
Hi! I'm Shaniya but I use the moniker Shanspeare on Youtube. I'm 23, use they/them pronouns, and love all things pop culture! My channel has a lot going on: think Shakespeare meets Baz Luhrmann meets insufferable jester in a relevant but silly costume. I have a bachelor's in English Professional Writing (and basically Literary Analysis--long story) which aids me in the creation of my content. Above all, I wish to emphasize teachability and critical engagement through a fun lens.
Books Mentioned:
Bacevich, Andrew J. "American Conservatism: Reclaiming an Intellectual Tradition."
Hooks, Bell. "All About Love."
Kimmel, Michael. "Angry White Men."
Lipsitz, George. "The Possessive Investment in Whiteness."
Shapiro, Ben. "If It Ain't Woke, Don't Fix It."

Online Sources:
0:00 intro
2:59 part one: outrage media
20:20 part two: learning to lie and live with evil
36:17 part three: love as political
thank you for watching! (and reading if you made it all the way down here!)
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I remember this tweet "fox channel did to our parents what they thought video games would do to us"


Shanspeare's Cosplay as a conservative podcaster and his set is immaculate


I live in a very right leaning state, which means everytime I go into the break room at my work, I get greeted with the horrible sound of screaming conservatives on the tv debating over problems that don't actually exist. The remote also never seems to be found so I just sit in agony through my break 🙃


I live in a relatively rural area and have family friends who listen to Fox News constantly. I’ve definitely noticed a change in their behavior - they seem angrier, less open minded, and less likely to listen to people with different viewpoints. I grew up in a diverse city and am liberal so it’s been scary to see these changes in people I love and respect.


I am a trans person, and fox News ruined any chance of me having a relationship with my parents. They’ll never accept me, they’ll never love the real me. They’ve been brainwashed into thinking I’ve been indoctrinated or “groomed” by my high-school. When I’ve been out of highschool for a ages and I am still trans. Once I finally get my own apartment and make sure they don’t have access to any important stuff (like medical and bills) I’m going to start hrt and go low-no contact.


I am so sorry but I had to pause the video for like 2 minutes because I couldn't stop laughing at the WOKE Act. As a German, if history class isn't making you uncomfortable and/or you personally feel attack by true events, you can't be helped.


As a black woman, I'm dedicated to "Gentle Education ", when I experience microaggression or even overt racism. Sometimes, it's genuine ignorance. Of course, if the person is intent on hurting me, they're worth a small history lesson and no more.


I really appreciated this video, I feel like I kind of understand why so much of my family is so spiteful and right leaning. I'm a white girl from a very upper middle class family, and my parents are well into their 70s. My dad over the last 3ish years has gone from never voting or caring about politics to being COMPLETELY radicalized to the right. Almost all of my extended family falls into the white somewhat wealthy upper middle class, and they constantly express anger at immigrants for losing their jobs, affirmative action for their kids being unable to get into schools, loan programs meant for people of color as why interest rates are high, etc. It always felt strange to me because I'm the next generation and I am so vastly improvished compared to them, despite having the highest education in my entire family. Even during family get togethers my cousins literally said "It's so hard to be a white man in this country" I feel like now watching this series I realize why so much of my family is so angry, and hateful even when they are living pretty priviledged lives, and how the right radicallizes these feelings


listening to you speak feels like reading through a research paper ive spent weeks making sound smarter. you are so eloquent and i love learning from you hahahahaha so dorky but


Your old conservative white man cosplay in this video is the EXACT outfit my conservative dad wears to go golfing with his buddies 😭😭 TOO REAL


I was with my very conservative family on Thanksgiving, and literally the first thing wake up to in my grandparents house is "FiRsTs It WaS cOlOmBuS dAy NoW tHeRe AfTeR tHaNkSgIvInG"
So nice to see conservatives care about the saintity of Thanksgiving by instead of spending time with family, watching a bunch of people victimize themselves. It's a politically charged Thanksgiving Charlie Brown.


At 6:00 you literally spilled omg. No one is going to find a place that is saying that they might be wrong, that’s why the far right is so appealing.


you are so unbelievably smart. literally one of my favourite channels <3


Years ago, when I still identified as a man, I was looking for resources for male survivors of abuse and was filtered into MRA YouTube. Contrapoints saved me.


When Shan is talking about the different uses of the word "love", I am reminded of a series of recent episodes of the Mormon Stories podcast 1712-1714, the first of which is called "Joining the Mormon Church as a Black Teenager - Channel Achenbach". She talks about the teachings of the church and the behavior within it, and how the "curse" of her skin was always mentioned with a quick "but we love you." It made my stomach turn.


My doctors office keeps it on fox news 🥴 it makes me think my problems won't be taken very seriously


I’ve been thinking about this topic. I live near a really poor town which lost economic stability since it’s railroads became obsolete in the mid 1800s. I always wondered why people were so conservative near me. I guess it makes sense with how they’re being manipulated. Thank you for this video ❤


Your explanation of true love is so important for us trying to deradicalize those around us. In my experience with conservative family and community members, I’ve noticed that the best way to best de-program them from right wing ideology is to not just focus on their political opinions in the distant way many people do in the internet, but to (in a way that’s safe for you) focus on their whole person and build a close relationship with them. Many times these options are the product of a taught lack of introspection or the desire to introspect. When I’ve encouraged them to be self-critical on all aspects of life (usually through doing so myself) I’ve found they are more likely to begin to become skeptical of their political opinions too. As someone who has lived in these space their whole life, there is a lack of education on how to process information in an empathetic and critical way, so they are easily programmed into reactionary thought (which is built on emotional ignorance.) Reactionary thought is deeply unpleasant to exist in. When these people have the tools to escape it, I find they almost immediately start to pull away from their anger and hatred. We just have a society which is invested in keeping these tools out of reach.

Also, if anyone has a similar/ different experience from this I’d love to read it! I can only know so much from my own. Thx to all! 😊💛


This is only a half-baked thought at the moment, but the concept of conservatives seeing evil as "inherent" or even necessary is so clearly tied to Christianity/Evangelicalism. As someone raised evangelical, I was taught that humans are evil at our core - and I think that belief actually makes it VERY easy to ignore evils like systemic racism and instead to focus on your own individual experience of "being good."


As someone who lives in Aotearoa (New Zealand) this video series is so interesting in the way it applies to conservatism here due to the Americanisation of media (unfortunately that means we have started cosplaying American styles of conservative protest- we had anti-vaxxers living on parliament lawn for a few weeks)
