Desktop streamer Volumio Motivo
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Volumio è una azienda fiorentina da sempre votata allo sviluppo di una piattaforma di streaming che prende il suo nome e che oggi, a oltre 10 anni dalla fondazione, è completamente matura e soprattutto continuamente aggiornata dal team di sviluppo. Oltre al software in senso stretto, Volumio ha intrapreso, quasi da subito, la produzione di alcune elettroniche che si sono anche aggiudicate negli anni ben due premi EISA. Questo Motivo è uno streamer, dac e ampli cuffia da tavolo estremamente performante ed evoluto. Originale nel disegno con il suo grande display touch-screen può essere la soluzione ideale per molti audiofili.
00.00 Tesaer
01.03 Descrizione
09.40 Analisi tecnica
15.15 Ascolto e conclusioni
Volumio is a Florentine company that has always been devoted to the development of a streaming platform that takes its name and that today, more than 10 years after its foundation, is fully mature and, above all, continuously updated by the development team. In addition to software in the strictest sense, Volumio undertook, almost immediately, the production of a number of electronics that have also won as many as two EISA awards over the years. This Motivo is an extremely high-performance and advanced desktop streamer, dac and headphone amplifier. Original in design with its large touch-screen display it may be the ideal solution for many audiophiles.
00.00 Tesaer
01.03 Descrizione
09.40 Analisi tecnica
15.15 Ascolto e conclusioni
Volumio is a Florentine company that has always been devoted to the development of a streaming platform that takes its name and that today, more than 10 years after its foundation, is fully mature and, above all, continuously updated by the development team. In addition to software in the strictest sense, Volumio undertook, almost immediately, the production of a number of electronics that have also won as many as two EISA awards over the years. This Motivo is an extremely high-performance and advanced desktop streamer, dac and headphone amplifier. Original in design with its large touch-screen display it may be the ideal solution for many audiophiles.