Watch CNBC's full interview with legendary investor Ron Baron

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Ron Baron, CEO, CIO and portfolio manager for Baron Capital, joins "Squawk Box" to discuss big topics such as Tesla, the economy, long-term investment strategy, how market volatility can be an advantage and more.
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I just sold a property in Portland and I'm thinking of putting the cash in stocks, I know everyone is saying it's ripe enough, but Is this a good time to buy stocks? How long until a full recovery? How are other people in the same market raking in over $200k gains with months, I'm really just confused at this point.


15:00 ++ Ron Baron really giving the Fossil fuel companies in, and what does CNBC do: ”OFCOURSE!!! Lets go to commercial when he is in the middle of it at 18:18.
But whats new with CNBC!!

PS: when the commercial is finnised, do they continue were they left of:? OFCOURSE NOT!


CNBC's agenda sickens me. Great stuff from Ron but..

0:46 - Ron opens the interview stating that he is a LONG-TERM INVESTOR and talks about his funds beating indexes over MULTI-DECADE time spans (27 years)

11:22 - Rebecca tries to interrupt Ron with a clear agenda, tries again a moment later
11:54 - "But-but-but sometimes you make these investments and it may take a VERY LONG TIME to pay off. It MAY NOT PAY OFF. In the case of

She then quotes his exact cost basis, down to the CENT. And then throws more shade.

Telsa IPO'd in June 2010. LESS. THAN. A. DECADE. AGO.

He is a long-term investor. He opened the interview explaining that.

He goes on to explain AGAIN that he is a long-term investor and gives examples of 10+ year "incubation periods" on investments, and examples of owning stocks that, 2-3 years later, were DOWN significantly, before the eventual payoff.

Rebecca then interrupts him without acknowledging his points at all and basically says "But answer this. TESLA IS DOWN SINCE YOU INVESTED"

It's embarrassing to watch. It's like he's talking to a brick wall.

And nothing personal against Rebecca. I know she is being fed these stupid questions because CNBC itself has an agenda to tarnish Tesla.

Doesn't make it any less embarrassing to witness.

And then they interrupt him and force and ad break, saying "We'll get back to Tesla after the break". After the break, they throw a new question (unrelated) then say "we're out of time".


The host did the right thing and let Ron just keep on talking. Good job!


His outlook is 10 years Plus and is Correct


So deep, and so much wisdom!! CNBC brought in an amazing guest. Just focus on companies that is creating value to customers and the world, forget about day to day revenue. Just do the right thing, work hard, work ethically, and the money will follow. You don’t have to follow the money, money will follow you instead if you just do what is right and just. That seems to be what I am getting at from Ron Barron interview. What’s also great is that he gets to talk for so long will so little interruption.


Tesla to $350 by Christmas 2019, $500 by 2020, and $1, 000 by 2021.
The model Y will sell more than the model 3, and Germany gigafactory will open at the beginning of 2021. Tesla market share will increase each quarter.
When autonomous vehicles come out in 2021, it's a game changer, but by then the stock will already be up huge by then.
Now is the time to buy.
Shorts beware.


CNBC: you’re busy watching markets cuz volatility
Guest: nah bruh, see the background? I’m reeeyach!


This video got a thumbs down from me because the Tesla discussion with Ron was fascinating and CNBC don't like that so cut Ron off to talk about something that was not. CNBC Suck, and so do their sponsors.


Brilliant man. Love the Tesla facts. More importantly, forget trying to play the market with a timing mentality. Consistent investment every month will win!


battery was 100, 000.
now its 10, 000
soon it will be 5000
oh the car can last a 1, 000, 000 miles in a few years. oh in a few years it can drive itself


this woman has the shortest term thinking i've ever seen, the guys track record speaks for itself.


Pretty sure I asked this guy for directions in 2012 whilst on holidays in the US...after 45 minutes I walked away and brought a map


For those who were not alive then, Ron was a bigshot stockpicker about 30 years ago (back when Joan Rivers was about age 99.)


This reporter mentioned how Ron bought Tesla for $218 and 5 months later it’s $748. That’s over a 200% ROI in less than half a year.


CNBC : OMG he is talking crap about oil industri and talking nice to Tesla ... QUICK change to commercial ..


year, tesla revenue, stock price
2014, 2.7b, 120
2019, 27b, 240
2020, 40b, ?
2022, 200b, ?


Ron Baron said Tesla is getting $1 billion for selling credits to fiat and other ice cars companies? 18:10. Have anyone looked into it?


06:16 low-cost index fund for millennial
08:33 optimistic due to tech and economy development vs negative interest rate; --- even slow growth;
09:17 p1 the big picture (the value of your money) ;
09:48 p2---- fall in half in value every 17 years so
10:24 P3--- the reason Government stay in power is ??? force you to invest
11:08 they're providing growth ---- tech advancement ???? spaceX
12:00 in the case of Tesla I think your cost basis is !!! vs a long term investment without a pay-off
15:13 Tesla that the opportunity here is ??? ---- his view on Tesla


you should do more of these interviews with "real" experts. I was never convinced about Tesla, but he gave me the first arguments to think about. Never heard that from all the other experts in the studio.
