This Is Why You're Not Improving at Fortnite! (How To Improve Fast) - Fortnite Tips & Tricks

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This Is Why You're Not Improving at Fortnite! (How To Improve Fast) - Fortnite Tips & Tricks

💙 Support-A-Creator - Teckoh

In today's Fortnite tips and tricks video, I'm discussing why you're not improving at Fortnite along with how you can start improving at Fortnite (improve at Fortnite fast). To start improving at Fortnite, you'll need to optimize your practice in various ways, which I intend to show you with this video. If you're struggling to improve at Fortnite, then this video is perfect for you, as I cover all of the best methods I use and the methods pros use to improve at Fortnite as fast as possible. If you watch this video throughout, and follow each tip, you'll surely get better at Fortnite fast and solve the reasons why you're not improving at Fortnite.

🎵 Background Music - Lakey Inspired
🖥️ Gameplay Credit - MrSavage

#Fortnite #FortniteTips #FortniteTipsAndTricks
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I gatta say, but the bad habits part of the vid relates to me the most. Working on getting into more 50/50 battles is definitely what I need to work on. I tend to not get into enough fights with other players, so when I get inside top 5, I tend to get shot down...basically I need improve my fighting for sure.😉


Tip for y’all play raiders realistics because it gives you the wepons in the meta and you can change to different shottys and overall random load outs


I gonna tell the truth I always miss my shots when I get up close because I get nervous


thathanks bro ive been trying to get back into fortnite and posting fn videos but i cant cuz im terrible now i dont wanna post terrible videos this helped


This helped so much I played 30 min on my aim and some on my builds I was hitting like every shot thank you sooo much


hey teckoh, ur prolly not gonna see this but i want u to know ur videos helped me so much and i appreciate ur help. I was so washed in fortnite then after like a year and half i came back in april. im already good again and abt to be in champs league.


mrsavage is a very different guy, I always follow him, thanks for the videos.


I ply on switch and I was Already pretty good but my lag always made me chock and follow this it got me at a point we’re I’m winning every game


I have a qustion. I have improved a lot dis last like 5 months. My mechanics, aim and peaks are better. Overall my fighting skills have improved with my fn routine. But i have a big problem and its that i play with my index finger and my kbm binds are kinda bad. So should i switch and start all over again or should i keep improving this way?


I'm good at Fortnite been playing for almost 3 years now . I get crazy crown lobbies and guys who stream . I find the only issue I have now is I get nervous . I think that's a big issue with a lot of people . I play great but when I see a guy doing triple edits and building crazy I end up freezing up and doing stupid 0 iq plays . Been trying to work on it . One of my favorite streamers told me that I should enter every fight with the confidence like I'm going to win no matter what. But it's hard for me in my lobbies ...


hey teckoh do you know how to fix this issue ive been having for a while basically when i shoot someone a little it does register my shots also i cant even break builds ive been having this issue for maybe like 2 weeks and im getting worse cause im trying to prevent it from happening ty


Just clicked on the video and I hope it helps me because I’m kinda bad and I started chapter 1 season 3

Edit: My most liked comment!!!

Edit: My new most liked comment is 62!!! I’m happy 😆

Edit: now 70something


i got a question when your aiming where do you look at the crosshair or the player cause i have a problem when i look at the player i don’t automatically line up my crosshair at the person at times so i’m trying to figure out SOMEONE HELP


I'm at 1:07 and this may or may not be in the video, but, to get better at getting kills without heals go into the pit ffa and pick whatever guns and rush everyone


Bro i cant play with someone who is better then me. I’m better then all my friends. We have to do a 1v4 which helps though ngl


I played Switch in season 2 chapter 10 i believe! I then took a break and came back around season 4 chapter 1 and stopped, started last saturday and got better and got my 1st 90s


i feel like im good but i still get destroyed but i dont know why ik there better but how? i can do what they do i dont know what im doing wrong


Fine video but you should not be hopping in creative asking your friend to 1v1 with the maven so you can have variety. Mavens and combats are off spawn/shambles guns, you shouldn’t be practicing to get better at mid game fights with it. Other then that great vid


My adhd just makes it hard to think in the middle of a fight


I switched from my low end laptop to kbm console and im goated on laptop but on console my aim, mechs, and edits are terrible and ive been grinding kbm console every day and see no progress in my game at all. my worst area of play is my aim because i miss the most basic shots even when the opponent is standing still.
