Best Method for Remembering Noun Gender | German 🇩🇪

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I outline a great technique for remembering noun gender in German. If you create vivid images in your head that associate the gender of the noun with famous people of that gender, combined with that word, then you will never forget it.

Creating images in your mind is the best way for putting information into your long term memory, and it works great for learning noun gender during language learning.


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I'm Jay. I’m a Northern Irishman who loves the outdoors and likes nothing better than to challenge myself every day. This may be in the form of some endurance activity like running 🏃‍♂️ or cycling 🚴‍♀️ or often something that activates my brain, my favourite is learning languages. Follow me on my journey of continuous daily improvement, and join me on my pursuit to complete some of the hardest, but most rewarding, physical and mental challenges I can come up with 👊


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Hey all! I just made an AI language partner so you can practice your conversation skills.


That is a very good idea. As a native German speaker I never had that problem, but as a DaF-teacher I'm always looking for tips and "Eselsbrücken" to remember the articles easier.
What I like to use are color coding der - blue, die - red, das - green and die (pl.) yellow/orange. It's not quite as strong as remembering a weird picture but uses the same technic.
An other thing is using movements. "rock-paper-sissors" in German der Stein, das Papier, die Schere (although we do it Schere, Stein, Papier) is perfect for this. Each word uses one of the articles and this gesture can stand for the article. rock - der, paper - das, sissors - die.
I hope this helps anybody out there!
And don't give up. The more you hear the words the easier it gets.


Really interesting technique. I've been learning German for 5 years now and still confuse the noun genders when I speak. I am currently studying in Bavaria and can say that German people will always understand what you intend to say, even if you mess up the genders and the adjective Endungen. Very good video nevertheless!


This is so simple but also clever and effective. Thank you.


You have one of the best channels on here, and incredible techniques to improve my German in-between adult learning at Uni and travels! Fascinated by your intense desire and learning and you serve as a motivation. Keep up the help! Vielen dank.


I just started learning German, from Belfast so pleasantly surprised to hear the Northern Irish accent! This is definitely something I've been struggling with the most, gets very frustrating. This is a great idea. Will give your other videos a check and stay tuned for more. Cheers!


this is what i used to do in highschool and it worked pretty good for my exams


Very nice video and technique, thank you! The Fluent Forever book suggests something like "exploding" for masc, "burning/on fire" for fem, and "shattering" for neuter (or something like that), but your suggestion provides a nice alternative that can be combined. Sometimes it's easier to picture things with a person (e.g. Obama putting on der Anzug). Thanks again.


Man, I'm from Mexico and I'm learning German, I started watching videos on YouTube in Spanish, but some of them are really bad or very confusing. They use bad techniques to "teach" a new lenguage. Please keep making videos like this. Videos like yours are very hepful and get people interested in learning.
Thanks for the video (:

New subscriber!


I'm a native German speaker who moved to the UK when I was 9 and had never spoken English. Gender was simply a matter of being a part of a word to me but the more proficient I became in English the more I realised the beauty of English in that it's almost entirely genderless outside of the use of personal pronouns. Yes, there are adjectival remnants like the blond man and the blonde women but they are few and very few native English speakers even know about them when they write. As a very fluent English speaker, I've spent nearly 50 years on and off in the UK but worked a few years in Germany and Austria, I recognise how clunky German is. It's impossible to be precise in German in any economic way when it comes to science and technology. Gender and case interaction is absolutely crazy in German and I remember trying to teach my English children German and how baffled they were by it. They weren't just baffled but the complexity upset them.


Vielen dank for the tips. It really helps me a lot.


Danke schön! Almost like making it a story line, liked it


An entire comedy series could be created solely from these images.


Thank you so much for this nice video, my friend ❤❤


This technique has a name. It’s called mnemonics. There are many ways to use mnemonics, but the general concept is to aid your memory by making associations that are familiar to you. It could be images in your head, a story, or even a song/rhyme. Your imagination is the limit. A famous mnemonic is singing the alphabet to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star, which is how most people learn the English alphabet at a young age. It wasn’t just for fun, it was a mnemonic all along. 😊


Interesting approach to remembering the genders of each noun. I will have to come up with a different image for the "der" words though. Lol.


I just started learning German a couple of weeks ago and had been deciphering the masculine and feminine nouns in a very cartoonish way, like imagining a dog with a top hat and mustache, or a cat with a bonnet 🤣 I was hoping that maybe there was more of a science of how to remember, but i guess abstract thought really is the best way haha 😂.


Could you please share all your visual images with the nouns and genders in pdf or flashcards?


Wait a minute THIS IS A VERY NICE TIP you can remember many words just by remembering one scene from a movie haha vielen dank!!


Question! Did you start talking from day one? Or did you wait awhile in order to get used to the sounds of the language?
