Gen. Mark Milley: The 60 Minutes Interview

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Gen. Mark Milley looked back at his years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including the differences he had with President Trump that nearly caused him to resign.

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"60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10.

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When they're talking about the recruitment shortfalls there's a lot of veterans, like myself, who got out in the past 20 years and when you're asked about your service you give an honest answer. No one wants to join when they fail to take care of you, treat you with dignity and they need to look in the mirror and make cultural changes from the top down. They have no one to blame but themselves.


Ask the people of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Rumania, and Poland why supporting Ukraine is so important.


As a veteran I would have like to see the General reflect more on the recent recruiting failures and lack of faith in our military. Quite obviously this was caused by the Iraq and Afghanistan wars being completely futile exercises in hubris and incompetence on the part of politicians and senior leadership and our country still hasn’t had a full reckoning of our failures in those wars.


General Milley, thank you for your bravery and protecting our peace and humanity


“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.” — Marcus Aurelius


Thanks, General Milley for your service, your fellow veterans support you! I am a moderate and I have voted for republicans most of my adult life. JOHN MCCAIN from the great state of Arizona was a WAR HERO because he refused to leave his fellow POWs behind!!! I am not a sucker and loser, and I will not let anyone dishonor the service of those who did not survive military service! I believe General Kelly! I am a proud retired Army veteran! The former president is guilty of "conduct unbecoming" and he "failed to fulfill his oath and obligations under the constitution". He is lucky the UCMJ does not apply to him. I will support VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS and encourage my fellow veterans to get involved! I hope my fellow veterans remember the oath we swore too, it stays with us our entire is who we are, there is no expiration on our is one of the reasons we call each other "brothers and sisters" along with our shared experiences. I hope you all realize there is one true choice in 2024, support the Vice President. If Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) or Liz Cheney (R-WY) decides to run, then I might rethink my voting choice.


As a Catholic and Veteran from Iraq war sir, thank you for your service and all the sacrifices you and your family made for this country.


A brave man who deserves his title of general. Well done sir. A supporter of America's belief in democracy. Uk.


Remember this man stood in front of congress and was questioned about Socialism and its spread in the US. He then said you need to teach about it because education is the best defense against a corrupt and evil governments. He was then asked if he has ever read the communist manifesto in which he said yes and he then listed off several other highly controversial books such as the little red book of China as well as studied the psychology of collectivism and socialism stating that those who don't are always doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.


“Military BUSINESS “ is the global issue of all conflicts around the world.


The way he threw shade at trump in his retirement speech was beautifully said. Much respect to General Milley.


Grateful for your service
Grateful for your insight
Grateful for your honesty


We take an oath speech made a few days after Esper was fired. The version given at his retirement/ change of command added "We don't take an oath to a wannabe dictator."


Great man and soldier! Thank You for your service and your your upright, soldierly behavior


It's a shame Generally Milley doesn't run for President on the Republican ticket. He's not only a brave and intelligent man, he's humble, empathetic, and the very definition of integrity. Sadly, those are the very qualities that would keep him off the republican ticket. They seem to only embrace "crazy" at this point in history. Still, General Milley would be the first Republican I'd ever voted for if he did. In my opinion, he should be Commander and Chief.


My sincerest gratitude to those who have worn and wear a military uniform


A true patriot, very intelligent man. A general that can look 20 to 30 years into the future.


Much respect for Gen. Mark Milley 🙏🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸🙏


Much respect to you sir, thank you for all the work that you've done. God bless you General Milley.


Anyone who Trump openly expresses hatred for is a person usually worthy of praise. Great job, Milley!! I appreciate your service.
