Optus Huawei E3372 Modem Firmware Upgrade & Mod

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This Video Provides Instructions On How To Change The Firmware In An Optus Prepaid Huawei E3372 Modem To Allow Hidden Settings To Be Changed. Great For NAT, DMZ, etc.

Please follow this at your own risk, I spent a few hours playing around with this, it works fine for me however this may not work for you.

Software I Use In Video:
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Brilliant! Finally complete clear instructions! Works perfectly, but only windows7, on win10 no success for me. I was stucked with reverting to old stick mode, but now my modems are even better in HiLink mode with moded WebUI and custom IP/DHCP. Thank you.


Oh man, oh man, oh man! Thank you @Aron Bezzina, thank you a thousand times! - I was trying to create a bonding router with multiple E3373h's and did an update on one of them. It bricked. I spent the entire free time of my friday and weekend to fix it. And given the circumstances, this includes going trough countless russian blogposts and trying to download different fixing tools (incl those you used). Trying to find old firmware that actually get flashed onto it and then trying to update it to a HiLink firmware. Be assured, I'm not a novice on that matter and I did make it all work on a Linux system just a year ago, but this time I was trying to make it work on Windows 11, thus I needed to use And all those things failed, failed miserably, 90% of the download links for firmware were long gone, as they were uploaded mostly between 2014-2016. Until I found a link to your video... from an Austrian forum, page 68. :D And you had the fist and utmost sensible thing to include all the files, flashing software and compatible firmware on a single download file. Thank you for that! I fixed the bricked stick, I made my bonding system work, all in less than an hour! Thank you and may you have a pleasant week ahead of yourself!


Perfekt! Also works with E3272! The one Pin is somewhere else! The stick must be disassembled. The pin is located between SDSlot and antenna. The big one pin is it. The run.exe and Software needs to be changed! Now the stick runs without HiLink! Other instructions are available on the Internet. Only works with Win7. Maybe with an Emulator! Many Thanks for Help!


Thanks mate! I had an E3372 that always selected the B20 band giving low speeds, the new UI/FW gives the option to select the B3 band giving me a tenfold speed increase. Nice to have all these tools together. Had to use Windows 7. A tip is to run all tools as Administrator since device driver installation might otherwise fail. Also the tip that the to-be-earthed pad is reachable without disassembly is golden! I used a sewing needle and a small cable with crocodile clamps.


Currently reinstalling Windows 10 LTSC to give this a go.
My Huawei has been relegated to the dustbin compared to the ZTE MF823 for ages, with its easy Telnet access and config file edits, however I hope you compiling all this info will actually help me flash this damn thing into a more useful device.

Greetings from WA, by the way, cobbah!


Thanks buddy. I was installing a different firmware (stick firmware for direct connection to an existing router) but the files and instructions helped get me there. I used a Windows 7 laptop as my Windows 10 PCs would not accept the device at all when in debug mode. I needed the serial/modem drivers, as Windows 7 wasn't downloading them automatically. Cheers!


bro i just upgrade the version to 22.xxx.xx from your files and installed the hi-link mod its works fine now.. i didn't boot shot or any thing by the ways thanks for files. Some one who need just follow his steps. it also gonna work if your have big issue.


Be careful if you have the newer -608 model. I found this on a google product review, can't vouch for its accuracy but seems likely true to me: "I purchased this stick expecting to receive the E3372h-607 that Optus has been shipping for the last few years. Turns out that Optus is now shipping an updated E3372h-608 version. The 608 version looks identical to the 607 from the outside but is a completely different PCB on the inside. The 608 version is locked to the Optus network and from my experimentation there is no "stick mode" firmware currently available for this model so you can't unlock or hack it as you could with the older 607 version."


You can also manage the settings of the E3372h, among other Huawei devices, using LTE H Monitor.


Hey Aron, great video. Whats the exact model number listed on the inside of the sim cover on the modems, if you don't mind my asking.


Thanks for this Video sir. Can this be applied on B525-65a modem?


Thanks bro works in e3372h-510 Cheers from Guatemala


to disable startup browser window - please try to disable autorun/autoplay in windows


Hi! You have a 3372h-607 and installed the hilink firmware for 3372h-153, which should lead to a malfunction of the modem. However it seems to work pretty well. Weird. The difference is in the frequency range that 607 and 153 covers. For example, 607 supports 800 MHz (28 band). Thanks for the video. Have you tried to connect to Internet in the stick mode from Win 10?


Cool video, but may you tell me where/how do I learn more about this? Like a book suggestion perhaps


Weird, when I was using Optus, they were storing my data, and yeah, I know what's new, yet you have to wonder what is in the firmware, in the sense that even with advanced options, is it secure? For instance, one of the best firmware hacks turns all encrypted data into plain text.


thanks for providig this awesome firmware but you need to update driver becouse its not working in even win 7


Hi! Thanks for your video, it's really clear!
But unfortunately I'm having some issues on finding the Stick version firmware...
Can I ask you if you can help me with the procedure to convert the HiLink in Stick Mode? Doing it together in videocall... Obviously I'll pay for your time!
My problem is that I really need this pens in Stick Mode for an Aggregation Router that I bought!


I'm thinking the stick in my region (e3372h-320) doesn't support grounding out the trace, the pcb looks a tiny bit different and the traces have a little bit of solder on top of them. I tried in ubuntu and no ttyUSB0 appeared, in windows 10 no com ports appeared. sad.


Thanks, you saved me tons of hours, i wanted to switch back from nonHilink to Hilink. Everything worked greate, only the installation of the custom UI has not worked. It says that it isnt abel to find the interface.

I have win11 and the stick gives me two devices, a ndis modem and a storage device. No seriel devices presented any more.

What could be the reason?
