[TUTHow to use MTA Script Editior

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In This Video TUTORIAL, I'll Teach you How Can you Use MTA Script Editor Which a Free GUI Script.

The GUI Script is Here:

addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
function ()
local memo = { }
local button = { }
Base = guiCreateWindow(180, 85, 751, 581, "Write Your Heading Here.", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(Base, false)
guiSetAlpha(Base, 1.00)
guiSetVisible(Base, false)
GUIClose = guiCreateButton(720, 553, 21, 18, "Close Button ( You may replace this with ur botton name )", false, Base)

memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(9, 119, 732, 430, "Write Your Information Here!", false, Base)
for i, v in pairs(memo) do
guiMemoSetReadOnly(v, true)
Рекомендации по теме

Hello, I downloaded MTA SCRIPT EDITOR from the link you have but when I downloaded the application and I came to open it it gives me the problem de mta
server resources foulder not be found
Make sure you have installed mta client with mta server correctly and start mta script editor
mta script editor will closed now
Please give me a solution to this problem as soon as possible, and please reply to me quickly. I know that these comments have been for 4 years, but please reply to me quickly :)


It says cant found the MTA resource thing.. where can i set it ?
Tell me bro i need this so much
