Nathan Law | This House Believes We Are Wrong To Fear The Rise of China | Cambridge Union

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Nathan Law speaks as third opposition on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at 8:00pm in the Debating Chamber.

One of humanity's oldest questions: are there any fundamental rights or wrongs? Is morality, or what we measure it by, a socially constructed process? Do we have the right to criticise those who hold morals irreconcilable to our own? This debate aims to test the link between reality and morality.

Nathan Law
Nathan Law is a democracy activist from Hong Kong, now based in London as a refugee. He was the 58th Secretary General of Hong Kong Federation of Students, former Chairman of Demosisto and was the youngest elected legislator in Hong Kong. He was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by TIME in 2020.

Thumbnail Photographer: Jakob Schoser

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Just watched Nathan Law at the Cambridge Union and he really knows how to work a crowd! He's talking about some heavy stuff, like China's rise and the need for justice and freedom, but he does it with such humour and confidence. It's like he's just having a chat with the audience, and they were totally into it - loads of applause! His English is super sharp too, which is even more impressive. Grew up in a not-so-rich family in Hong Kong and look at him now, speaking up against big issues and getting his point across. Nathan's not just talking the talk; he's walking the walk. Big respect for calling out the British government and pushing for tougher policies on China. Keep it up, keep shining, Nathan!


Yet probably completely have double standards when it comes to Israel and Palestine


Excellent to see Chinese being able to speak freely. Thank goodness for the democratic West.


Do you agree is there democracy in british hongkong time yes or no..?


While Nathan Law was speaking in the opening few minutes, audience facial showed distrust and disinterested. Then Nathan Law talk was getting worse -- About "His people, His family.... blah blah
