Why Landlords Are Selling Up - Does it Matter?

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Are Landlords selling up?

1:31 Landlords selling
7:29 Does it Matter if Landlords Sell?
9:17 Past Trends in Housing Tenure



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My fellow brits, welcome to the age of corporate slumlods.


Landlords are selling up coz theres no profit to be made! Simples!


The days of papa and mama landlords are over.Welcone to the age of the corporate landlord.Setting up a regulated collective investment scheme (buy to let)fund is the way to go for experienced landlords


The smart money has already left the market.


Getting rid of S21 + the EPC 'C' regulations coming in by 2030 will determine who wants to be a landlord by then. I think a lot will have bailed out by then if they only own 1 or 2 properties = not worth the hassle/expense.


Not a disaster for landlords but it will be for tenants in many cases. When selling up tenants often have to leave, and that will remain the case even under the new renters reform bill. Sitting tenants normally pay lower rent than open market rates so they will not only have to move but also face higher rents when they do. If labour implement 3rd generation rent controls, which restrict rent rises during the tenancy, that will also drive up the initial rental rate. Landlords will keep properties empty while waiting to get a higher rent. If the property is sold to another landlord, quite likely through a company, the rent will also have to go up to market rates. This is because investors buy on rental yield so to get the best price requires the best rental yield. If rental properties have to meet EPC grade C or better, as Labour plans, it could be hugely disruptive and costly for many tenants. It is a slow motion train wreck that politicians don't seem to want to stop.


Last year, I was working full time, budgeting groceries, unable to afford date nights, and missing time with my kids. Now I learned how to make money online. Now am a SAHM, homeschooling, and making profits every week.


Hang on, why do you think asset price inflation will slow if central banks continue with quantitative easing to support growth to pay the national debt interest carry trade. The US central bank has signalled the charge to lower rates.


sounds a lot. 85% House price appreciation since 2009. 5.6% per annum vs 12% sp500. Only advantage is easy Leverage in housing. No bank will give you 250k to buy shares, but 25k deposit will get you 10x leverage in houses.


To everyone celebrating this, be careful what you wish for


Restrict buy to lets only to properties that need extensive work to become livable again, get that money into actually recovering the housing stock levels, and landlords can actually legitimately claim they are "providing housing" instead of buying a family home and slapping an extra 50% or more on top of the mortgage in rent and putting up a grey coat of paint.


I see mass homelessness on the horizon…


We simply need to build more flats and houses. Unless we do this, there won't be enough and you will have landlords selling and people renting/owning a mortgage where so much of their income is spent on housing.


So - legislation requiring rental properties to be insulated to a certain level, but no such legislation for new builds.


"Many councils are close to bankruptcy" (10:10) and so can't buy houses to let them as council houses. But the government isn't close to bankruptcy, it's the government, it can't go bankrupt. It could buy houses.


Lloyds have said they want to be the UK’s biggest landlord.


On a positive note about small landlords I know two who are defying the odds and ignoring the doom mongers, not because they are contrarian investors, but because they don’t want to turf out their tenants and their families. They genuinely want to look after them.

Unfortunately as the government are piling on regulation and killing them with tax, these landlords will have to increase rents to survive. They run businesses not charities.

The bottom line is that the government are penalising good landlords like them. Whereas the dodgy ones will survive under the radar as private rented accommodation supply falls against a background of increasing demand.

This will end in tears and it’s the homeless tenants who will be crying.


Once the rented accommodation is sold then Labour will build all the houses the country needs. (Not!)


Land lords are not the direct problem. The problem is, is landlords with over 6 property's plus. I know one landlord with 40 propertys are a mini, in one area thats 40 familys without a home.


Yes, it does matter. Bottom of the market has gone. Without buy-to-let landlords there aren’t enough first time buyers who can actually afford to buy.

It is nearly impossible to sell at the moment. I’m in my early 30s and most of my mates have a flat they bought in their 20s which they’ve been trying to sell for the last few years, but just haven’t been able to sell. There just aren’t enough first time buyers out there. They have now been forced to become reluctant landlords.

Also, with a lot of larger landlords selling up there is now a reduced number of available rental properties. It has made it super competitive to rent.
