'Lies with Hamas': Douglas Murray blames terror group for deaths of Palestinian children

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Author Douglas Murray claims the responsibility for the deaths of Palestinian children “lies on Hamas” after the terror organisation led the region into a war with Israel.

The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry claimed at least 20,000 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip since Israel launched its offensive, which was in response to the Hamas attack which killed about 1,200 Israelis.

Mr Murray clashed with Young Turks founder and host Cenk Uygur over the proportionality of Israel’s offensive in Gaza.

“Hamas showed what they do, what they want to do. It showed it on October the 7th and its leadership, as I'm sure you very well know, said that they would like to repeat that again and again until they have got rid of every Jew,” Mr Murray said.

“I would trust Hamas's word on that rather than your interpretation of what you think they mean when they say that and your generous interpretation of what you think that means.”
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Who can listen to Cenk more than a minute? He is vomiting lies.


Hamas is responsible of all civilians in Gaza… they are the only one should have though of putting the citizens under the tunnels ! Where did they build shelters?


The Palestinians got what they voted for. Remember how they rejoiced in the streets about Oct 7 slaughtering!! What did they expect would happen after that terrible massacre??


Wait... Is this really happening? Did Cenk really think he could take on Douglas?! Hold up.... I need some popcorn


Douglas Murray having to explain the facts of life to children.


Murry nailed Uygurs uncomplicated bigotry


I love how Cenk thinks her can solve this Palestinian-Israeli conflict from his bedroom.


It takes Douglas Murray to clarify the distraction and gaslighting by the activists. And the comment that "they don't care about Palestinians, they just care about hating Jews." is spot on.


No need to be a genius to see the ignorance of this cenk guy! Douglas is in another league. It also helps when you've got common sense, truth and facts on your side.


Murray os very brave and consistent and true, while turks is looking upset!!!


The point is civilians and Hamas are intertwined ...God bless Israel ..I stand for Jews and Christians worldwide...


Blame lies with the people who voted hamas in. End of story


Piers Morgan has no basis on which to state his views "as if" they are accurate and correct, in international law of conflict. Using the tragic, "friendly fire" that resulted in the death of 3 of the hostages, is both despicable and unforgiveable. In fact, it's tantamount to blood libel.

Some people think that the principle of “proportionality” during armed conflict refers to the number of people which each side kills. So if Hamas murdered 20 Israeli civilians, Israel would be acting “disproportionately” if, in response, it killed more than 20 Palestinians. THIS IS NONSENSE PIERS MORGAN!

No state or combatant may militarily target any innocent civilians to achieve any objective, no matter how worthy and no matter how few or many it killed. This is precisely what Hamas does, not Israel.

International law does permit States to use force in self-defence, provided (a) it is directed at a military target, (b) any incidental harm to civilians and civilian property is minimised as far as possible in the course of achieving the military aim, and (c) any harm to civilians and civilian property is not excessive in relation to the military advantage expected to be gained. This is what is meant by proportionality in military conflict.

THIS IS FOR PIERS: Whether these criteria are satisfied must be assessed by reference to the judgment of a reasonable military commander in the circumstances at the time, with the information then known to him. It is NOT a hind-sight exercise.

WHY DON'T YOU ASK A MILITARY EXPERT WHO IS IN ISRAEL? E.g. Col. Richard Kemp, former British Commander of HM Forces in Afghanistan, who is in Gaza, observing the IDF.
Moreover, Piers, citing the CHURCH as "proof", when the IDF were not in the area - and by the way, the "Church" managed to cite 2 different stories - they couldn't get it right? Why do you assume, Israel is lying? Finally, HOW DARE YOU use a tragic "friendly fire" to condemn the IDF!

The first obligation of any government is to protect its citizens. After the mass and indiscriminate slaughter on 7 October 2023 launched by a terrorist organisation from an adjacent territory, Israel is entitled, in self-defence, to enter that territory to dismantle that organisation to prevent it from ever repeating its murderous aims. This includes killing or capturing its members and destroying its capacity to manufacture, acquire or deploy weapons of war or destruction, its facilities, structures and buildings, wherever they may be found. That is Israel’s legitimate military objective. Such objective would have the additional advantage of reducing the suffering Gaza’s residents who have had to endure rule by a terrorist organisation which seized power in 2004 and has never since held an election.

US President Biden and former US President Obama have both stated unequivocally that it is not just the Israel’s right but its duty to eliminate and dismantle Hamas. In the words of US Secretary of State Blinken: “Israel has the right – indeed it has the obligation – to defend itself against these attacks from Hamas, and to try to do what it can to make sure that this never happens again.”

The problem Israel faces, is that Hamas embeds itself and its armaments amongst the civilians in Gaza, using them as intended human shields. Given this strategy (a war crime in itself) any lawful operation to eliminate Hamas will inevitably cause death and injuries to Gaza civilians and damage to civilian property. No-one has suggested any alternative other than that Israel’s people must just continue to suffer such attacks and submit to never-ending terror.

One way of reducing civilian casualties would be to warn and encourage civilians to move away from areas of intended military action. Israel has rightly advised Gaza civilians to move out of the area of intended ground operations in the Gaza Strip. If it hadn’t done so, then it would be blamed for failing to minimise civilian casualties.

The above author: BRIAN DOCTOR, KC (King's Counsellor, the highest level of Barrister in the UK.)


Genocide but Gaza have 2 million+ people.🤣


Piers Morgan: “do you agree that Hamas’s goal is to execute a genocide of the Jews?”
Cent: “I’m not interested in discussing Hamas, this is just a distraction.”
Really?? Wow, … Hamas is THE reason why there is currently a war… And this is why he has no clue . Hamas (and only Hamas) is the reason why children are dying in Gaza…. So, let’s not discuss that. Let’s just blame Israel shall we?


The only one who “passionately articulates” is Douglas Murray! Cenk can do nothing in comparison. Another win for Douglas!


Douglas, thank you so much for standing with Israel and speaking the truth. God bless you!!!❤


Wow - awesome common sense points Douglas Murray! “Lost dog poster comparison…Every country that has taken in Palestinians gets terror…collateral damage is Hamas’s fault, they were warned to get out with tons of notice - the Israelis had NO notice, Palestinian authority celebrated Oct 7, Palestinian authority has pay to slay program and they allowed hospitals, schools and homes to house tunnel shafts and weapons.” Excellent excellent points - please keep on speaking up Douglas Murray!


Douglas Murray is formidable! 100% on the mark on every point. How Piers manages to dig up these 'low grade thugs" and "low rent racist" is amazing.


Murray - the best there is so smart and so right as always ❤