'Arquitectura En Públic'. Cycle of conferences 'Obrim el Coneixement'

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Last May marked the beginning of a programme organized by the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya - COAC, the Ajuntament de Sabadell and the Capitalitat de la Cultura Catalana under the title: 'Arquitectura en Públic’.

☝️The aim of these first events was to offer conferences to show how architecture is present in multiple areas of knowledge and everyday life. To this end, a series of 12 conferences were organized between May and June called 'Obrim el coneixement'

😊 Our Director of Design and Marketing, Miquel Àngel Julià Hiero, Concept Architect attended the first of the conferences ‘Arquitectura i Escena’ at La Faràndula Theatre in Sabadell. Accompanied by Pablo Soto, Doctor in Retail Architecture, they discussed the surprising relationship between the Performing Arts and Retail.

After the talk, the Phygital scenography made with the Video Mapping technique of the theatrical production 'Pinocchio' was shown. Miquel Àngel has had the pleasure of participating as Art Director and has been responsible for the set design with the digital artista Lluís Campmajó Triadó and, also, he has been responsible for the Marketing and Communication.

In addition, he also attended the last of the conferences ‘Arquitectura i Llum’ with Gisela Steiger, Lightning Designer, where they discussed how light is one of the main creative strategies for architecture.

✔️ This cycle of conferences closed in June but 'Arquitectura en Públic' will be back with new activities and meetings from September onwards.

Here is a video summarising the experience of the first day.

We hope to see you in September!😉
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