The Final Real Images Of Venus - What Have We Found?

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In this video, we're going to take a look at the Final Real Images of Venus - what have we found?

We've been studying the Venus volcano for years, and in this latest set of images, we've found something amazing! The Venus volcano is erupting!

We're looking forward to sharing more details about this discovery in the future, so be sure to keep an eye out for updates. In the meantime, check out the latest Final Real Images of Venus below!
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I still think the Russians landing Venera-13 on Venus back in 1982 is one of the greatest scientific achievements of all time. The fact that it was able to survive for 2 hours in that environment and take pictures is absolutely incredible


This is an excellent video with the perfect balance of science and plain spoken English. So much fascinating information in a short video. Well done!


My father always speculated that something big passing through the solar system disturbed Venus so violently that it reversed rotational direction, which explains not only the retrograde direction but the slowness of it. He wondered also if that same disturbance, or one like it, was responsible for removing most of Mars's atmosphere, since our science suggests that Mars should have a much denser atmosphere than it does.

This new discovery is consistent with my dad's theory -- a gravitational disturbance so great that it may have ignited tectonic instability in the planet which is still going on.


I wonder if had Venus not suffered the primordial impact that messed up it's rotation, if it might now be just a slightly warmer version of Earth. It's proximity to the sun doesn't account for it's extreme temperature. Even Mars at twice the distance from the sun as Earth, would likely be habitable if it was large enough to maintain it's magnetic field and hence, it's atmosphere. Really a shame, because Venus would be the perfect place to colonise and give us a backup planet.


Great documentary on Venus. My only critique is that it is not always obvious which are real (either optical or radar derived) images vs CGI.


Venus is a tough planet to photgraph. Usually best to do it during the day when it's higer in the sky. The hardest part is finding the planet while the Sun is still up, but it can be done. :)


The mystery of Venus atmosphere seems simple, really. That's the default setting. Venus --unlike Earth - has no Moon despite comparable mass. Earth had taken monstrous hit early on, that had ripped enough material to form the Moon and also gases, which either escaped directly into space, or Moon was too weak to retain. In any case it is most unfortunate, that Mars and Venus haven't swapped places.


The Soviet Union was the first country to photograph Venus on March 1, 1966.


We often see an extreme brightened object near moon and start thinking it is star. No fellas, its not star, its third brightest object in our solar system after sun and moon called Venus.


Venus and Titan have more in common with each other than either does to any other Solar System object. Both certainly appear to be in the embryonic phase of planetary evolution.


We should create huge solar panels that eclipse Venus


Didn't contain any actual pictures of Venus just computer generated pictures and the badly edited yellow photoshopped pictures....😢 Was hoping for some honesty


Very enlightening, lovely presentation & perfect narration, congratulations & thanks.


Man, I have to know where you get your fantastic background music from. It is that perfect non-intrusive awe-inspiring music like what is found in the Mass Effect game series. It's wonderful.


How do they know that Venus isn't still evolving? Present day Venus could be a mirror of earth's past. Earth could be what Venus will eventually look like.


Thank you for this video! We get so little about Venus- I sometimes wonder if people were so disappointed that it wasn't the swampy watery world the SF writers of the 50's and early 60's thought it was, that they've kind of stuck it on the high shelf, whilst the more promising worlds of Mars and Europa, and even Titan, got the lions share of attention.
The fact that its now known Venus' many volcanoes may still be active does answer one mystery that perplexed scientists for some time, and allowed fringe elements to cook up some strange ideas. Even taking into account that erosion ( chemical or otherwise) of both landscape and impact objects prior to impact would have an effect, the surface of Venus, or certainly, large sections of it, were remarkably devoid of impact craters, so much so that ideas like ' Crustal overturn' flourished. Now it is clear that the lack of impact craters may be due to the fact that eroded or not, they have simply been buried under flows of lava and other volcanic products, instead of being engulfed in some strange resurfacing event!


We need more pictures of mercury and uranus. They are very underrated planets


I’m confused. How are you getting an 8th? Because 33, 66, 99. And we’re measuring 67 against 93. How about a third? Ya’ know, math.


Are there any science fiction movies about landing on Venus?


THANK YOU for not giving the temperatures in "Kelvin"...whatever tf that is.
