👱 Learn to Draw the Head in Any Angle - Tutorial for Beginners

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we appreciate the time you spend on free tutorials to help us improve knowing you have almost no time, thank you very much, Marc.


Marc: "Drawing a human head is probably one of the most challenging things..."
Hands: Am I a joke to you?


i never drew a perfect head until i drew along with you watching this video 😭😭 thank you sm


I was struggling with many of the other videos because they never stressed the importance of the proportions of the oval. As soon as I learned that it has to be 2/3 the hight of the sphere and equidistance from the symmetry line, I saw an instant improvement. Thank you.


So good for beginners. I know I'm watching this one year after but wow!


I haven't drawn in over 12 years, and just started using a simple Wacom tablet. These tutorials have been so incredibly helpful for trying to get back into it after so many years.
I've still have a long way to go, but I'm having fun with art again.

Thank you.


Out of my 4-5 years of drawing, I have only ever been able to draw forward-facing profiles. I tried so many tutorials and tips for drawing other head angles and I never understood. It has always been something that blocked me from improving my art skill. Today, after not drawing for awhile, I stumbled across this video. It makes so much sense to me!! It's simple, but in the way, I understand what each line and shape is for- It makes me so confident in approaching different head angles that used to be way out of my comfort zone. I have NO CLUE what I'd do without this video. Thank you so much. Absolutely life-changing.



Intro: 0:00

How to Draw the Shape of the Head: 0:26

Important Information on How to Draw Circles: 1:39

How to Draw the Jaw: 1:54

Starting with the Head: 2:22

Ratios: 3:24

Symmetry Line: 3:57

Parallel Curves: 4:12

Horizontal / Placement Lines: 5:26

Examples: 6:02

Important Information on the Lines: 7:03

Jaw Placement: 7:57

How to Draw the Jaw: 9:03

How to Draw Chins: 10:01

(Finished) How to Draw the Shape of the Head: 12:06

How to Draw a Head Looking Straight Ahead: 13:04

Cheekbones' Placement Lines: 16:14

Placement Line: 17:14

Facial Features Placement: 21:19

Ear Placement: 23:01

Outro: 24:04


I agree with many of the other posters. There were a few simple instructions you placed in this video that almost every other artist skipped. It helped me draw heads in various positions much quicker and with a bit more accuracy.


I know this is pretty old video, but if you read this:
Thank you sooo much for making this video, I was struggling with drawing head for 2 months now, and your explanation just clicked everything together for me!
Thank you!!!!


I usually don't comment on videos but I want to thank you for your tutorial. I always wanted to be able do do sketches of my OCs but I was never good at drawing. It didn't matter how much I practiced, it never worked for me. I am a very technical person and I really need tutorials like this which explain me how the proportions do work. I always need that little formula to be able to draw it.
I was truly shocked when I first saw something resembling a head. I've been trying to draw head the entire day and no tutorial helped me as much as yours. So I am very thankful.


him: *draws perfect circle*
me: *struggles for 10 minutes*


Thank you, Marc! This IS the best head tutorial i've seen so far! So simple but so full of info and tips too!


I've been able to get decent at making circles but having a hard time drawing multiple circles within the sphere at perspective where they all line up. Something that really helped me was googling an image of a sphere that has many axis lines pre drawn out. I have several of them to use as references so I can better get this first half of the face down correctly. Just a tip from a friendly beginner.


Phew, I thought I was hopeless with drawing heads and opted to study the skull for a couple of weeks untill I came across this, I'm so grateful for all ur doing, ur a blessing in disguise 🧡


this is probably the most in depth and easiest to follow tutorial that ive ever seen. i followed it very well and got good results from your instruction


This tutorial was absolutely amazing, I’ve always put off learning how to draw heads from different angles because I thought it was too difficult, while my heads now still aren’t perfect this really made a big improvement


i keep going back on this video whenever i feel like being lost in doing the basics. i'm truly grateful for all of your videos marc you were such a huge help to us developing artists!


Plenty of Loomis vids on YouTube and there are slight variations to them.

I think you have created a concise video with excellent guidance that is comprised of the best, most important aspects to the method whilst eliminating others that I've found make it slightly more difficult than it has to be.

Thank you so much! 😊


I’m so glad I came across you, first time drawing anatomy as a beginner and this helps a lot with head shapes. Thank you
