Nx Conf - Day 1

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Nx Conf is a new, online & free-to-attend, 2-day conference featuring members of the Nx team and community. Join us as we share our ideas and expertise about making development faster, more scalable, and more collaborative.

**Day 1 Agenda**
10-10:45am - Keynote (Jeff Cross & Victor Savkin / Nrwl)
10:45-11am - Break
11-11:25am - Go-To-Market with Nx (Jason Jean / Nrwl)
11:30-11:55am - Micro Frontends and Nx Monorepos: The Best of Two Worlds?
(Manfred Steyer / Angular Architects)
12-12:25pm - Generators, Executors and Plugins - Automating for Speed and Quality with the Nx Devkit (Juri Strumpflohner / Nrwl)
12:25-12:45pm - Q&A
12:45-1:30pm - Lunch Break
1:30-1:55pm - Nx for your Stack (Craigory Coppola / Nrwl)
2-2:25pm - Revealing the Identity of the "x" in Nx (Nathan Walker / nStudio)
2:30-2:45pm - Q&A
2:45-3:00pm - Break
3pm-3:25pm - Design Systems for Enterprise (Katerina Skroumpleou & Rares Matei / Nrwl)
3:30-3:55pm - Community Lightning Talks
- Breaking Down the Monolithic Beast with Nx and Micro Frontends (Kayla Altepeter)
- Customizing Webpack for Web Components Development in an Nx Monorepo (Yonatan Kra)
- NgRx Made Easier By Nx with Nx (Erik Slack)
4:00-4:20pm - Q&A
4:20-4:30pm - Closing Remarks

Рекомендации по теме

Awesome conf! I'm about to start my journey with Nx, and this whole conference was a great way to learn what Nx is about and how to use it. Thanks!


Great talk! Loved the generators and executors explanation the most

Also like learning about monorepos and microfrontends (I’ll need to come back and watch some of the bits again)


Where can I get Brandon's Tshirt??! It's amazing.


Thanks for awesome speech about Micro Frontend Manfred. but there is some moment unclear for me: how to share MFE assets/ fonts, images with Shell App? maybe someone can share some code sample or repo where it is implemented thanks in advance
