Local Plans and Climate Change: RTPI South West webinar
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As planners we have the opportunity to actively work to combat climate change. The planning white paper sets out a number of proposals which highlight the requirement for a system which can most effectively play a role in mitigating and adapting to climate change and maximising environmental benefits.
This webinar will focus on embedding climate change into local plans, the legislation around this, what current policy says and some local case studies to hear more about what is already happening.
Transforming to ‘Greener’ Planning?
A policy perspective on how the government could transform planning to address the climate emergency with particular reference to the Planning White Paper
Speaker: Isabella Krabbe (RTPI Policy Officer)
The legal obligation to climate proof local plans
When planning legislation was amended in 2008, alongside the introduction of the Climate Change Act, the intention was to put tackling climate change at the heart of local planning policy. Since then performance against this legal obligation has generally been poor, but the situation may now be improving against a backdrop of the UK’s net zero commitment and increased awareness of the climate crisis. In this session Sam will explain what LPAs should be doing at a minimum to secure compliance with the relevant law and policy requirements.
Speaker: Sam Hunter Jones (from environmental law charity Client Earth)
How can the planning system respond to the climate emergency?
Case Study: Devon Carbon Plan - what are the roles identified for planning, and what specific actions have these led to?
Speaker: James Shorten (from TerraPermaGeo, member of the Devon Net Zero Task Force)
Carbon Budgeting and Local Plans
What Bioregional have been doing to help develop an evidence base to support relevant policies on net zero carbon for Great Cambridgeshire’s local plan
Speaker: Emma Davies (Greater Cambridge)
This webinar is part of RTPI Online Events 2020, and is brought to you by RTPI South West.
This webinar will focus on embedding climate change into local plans, the legislation around this, what current policy says and some local case studies to hear more about what is already happening.
Transforming to ‘Greener’ Planning?
A policy perspective on how the government could transform planning to address the climate emergency with particular reference to the Planning White Paper
Speaker: Isabella Krabbe (RTPI Policy Officer)
The legal obligation to climate proof local plans
When planning legislation was amended in 2008, alongside the introduction of the Climate Change Act, the intention was to put tackling climate change at the heart of local planning policy. Since then performance against this legal obligation has generally been poor, but the situation may now be improving against a backdrop of the UK’s net zero commitment and increased awareness of the climate crisis. In this session Sam will explain what LPAs should be doing at a minimum to secure compliance with the relevant law and policy requirements.
Speaker: Sam Hunter Jones (from environmental law charity Client Earth)
How can the planning system respond to the climate emergency?
Case Study: Devon Carbon Plan - what are the roles identified for planning, and what specific actions have these led to?
Speaker: James Shorten (from TerraPermaGeo, member of the Devon Net Zero Task Force)
Carbon Budgeting and Local Plans
What Bioregional have been doing to help develop an evidence base to support relevant policies on net zero carbon for Great Cambridgeshire’s local plan
Speaker: Emma Davies (Greater Cambridge)
This webinar is part of RTPI Online Events 2020, and is brought to you by RTPI South West.