What the Divestment Movement Doesn't Understand (w/ Rob West)

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Rob West, founder of Thunder Said Energy – an energy consulting firm, understands that the total decarbonization of the energy industry will be fueled by political attitudes around the world over the next few decades. However, West argues that proponents of ESG investing fail to understand that this transition will involve massive investment in fossil fuels and cooperation with villainized oil majors. He explains his framework for total decarbonization of the energy industry by 2050, and highlights the new technologies and investment vehicles that will be necessary to drive the transition. Filmed on October 18, 2019 in New York.

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this fellow is extremely bright and makes a great deal of sense but people will object because he demonstrates that simple solutions are not available. the comments below demonstrate that idealists will scoff but they can not provide real answers and realistic solutions.


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I think an easy counter argument here is that divestment puts pressure on big fossil fuel companies to become energy companies rather than fossil fuel companies.

Most people who are for divestment are also for clean renewable energy and if these companies can show that they are investing in this then the money will return. As of right now, no big fossil fuel companies are focused on renewables. One of the best companies, BP spent 98% of capital expenditures on fossil fuels, and only 2% on renewables in 2018. That number is so low, and who's to say it will go up when these companies are still making so much money on fossil fuels.


So we’re being sold the idea there’s low carbon oil out there? Really? Can someone link a study that confirms co2 is a pollutant. Repackaging the same thing as a new thing. I’m in... we’re going to be rich who we selling this too?


The technology of capturing co2 is already here, is is called Tree.


Hi from New Zealand. I'm glad to see so many commentors see the lie of carbon. There is centuries worth of methane that is cabon free in the oceans for all the electric generation we need. Co2 is plant food and is historically at a low level, we actually need more Co2! Guess i'll get some ignorant hateful replies, but have to tell the truth! bye ya'll.


It will not matter shortly. The Energy sector( petroleum ) have been diversifying quietly for the last decade at a minimum. This doesn't include the derth of intellectual property they own as a back pocket option. They will squeeze every last drip out of it as the infrastructure is cheap at present and we haven't hit a decline in use stats yet.


I don’t believe in the climate change hype but finding better ways of doing things in a more efficient way is excellent. Any time where we can get efficiencies I would support 100%.


We should transition our energy sources to new sources if they are cheaper and/or more reliable than the old sources standing on their own two feet. Everything else is just hot air. Also without nuclear decarbonization is a myth.


The sky is falling! The sky is falling! This guy may want to actually study some history of energy to see how and why it transitions as less costly energy becomes available. Wringing your hand as a theorist who has never actually run an energy company that naturally deals with supply and demand and is ALWAYS looking to find more and less expensive energy AS NEEDED, is simply an inexperienced professor sitting in his class never actually testing his theories and proving them, but proclaiming he's got all the variables figured out.


This makes so much sense so he'll get attacked by idiots on both sides that are too tied to their political football team. He needs to get that spreadsheet of object rental savings to Vinay Gupta.


"Get rid of carbon"
I just turned this discussion off. We can talk about getting rid of carbon once China, India and others begin decommission some of the 1, 500 coal plants they will build in the future.


I think this guy is STRIVING to be the next leader of the UN!?


Not a mistake - we value investors will be scooping up high quality assets on the cheap, with high yields and low risk. What’s not to like?


he forgets the military industrial complex, he assumes our woes are due to carbon and hasn't heard of the grand solar minimum, im sorry mate but id love to see where you got your information !!


Green markets failed! But they ignored the only clean cheap electricity HYDROELECTRIC


Carbon emissions alarmism is silly. See: Tony Heller.


At the end of the day nuclear is the cleanest & safest energy. And don't shoot at me right away, do your research first.


How about ditching oil all together? Burning oil only creates more C02...
