Celtic Music - The Druid Stone

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You can get all my music here:
You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish:

I made a Fantasy language, you can get the 423-page dictionary and a 735-page book of Fantasy names here:

This is part 1 of The Elder Path:
As I mentioned in the original video The Elder Path is a massive song that is actually made up of 3 smaller songs that create a complete story arc. I finally got around to extracting and editing these 3 parts so they are functional as stand-alone songs. The Druid Stone is the first of these, the other 2 will follow in the next 2 weeks.

All music composed and arranged by Adrian von Ziegler.

The artwork was created by this great artist:

© All audio material is copyrighted by Adrian von Ziegler.
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Usage rights - please read:
I’m posting the usage rights and important information about my music right here in a comment on every new video so that they’re easily accessible to everyone. =)
If your project (any project at all, movie, photography, websites, live shows etc.) is non-commercial, which means it doesn't earn you any money, then you can use my music for free. Only given credits are necessary, that's the only condition. Credits would be totally fine as a small text in the movie, website etc. written "Music by Adrian von Ziegler". In live shows and other projects where including a text would be difficult, an oral mention would suffice as well. =)
On YouTube and twitch you can also use my music for free even if you monetize your videos by the way!
ANY school projects have automatic free permission to use my music, no license payment is required.

If the project is commercial, meaning it makes money in any way (except YouTube and twitch, see above), you would have to buy a license for the music you want to use. The license payment would be small in almost all cases except for big budget productions. It would be a one-time payment, so you can use the music you bought forever in that project. It does not give you any rights over the music however, so remixing the music, re-selling it etc. is not allowed.
Giving credits is also necessary in commercial projects.
Please note that "for free" only applies to the usage license. Music is my full-time job and is where 100% of my earnings come from. So no matter what you use my music for, whether it's commercial or non-commercial use, I appreciate that you purchase the music instead of downloading it for free. Many people misunderstand this part so I need to clear this up. I love making music, but if everyone would just get it for free I would not be able to pay rent, so please understand. It was always my dream to make enough money to survive with music being my only job, and that is only possible because of people who go and buy that music.
Remixing, sampling and other forms of altering the original song into a new piece of music is also generally not allowed unless the remix is 100% non-commercial and labelled with the original title and author of the song (me). Adding bird noises, nature sounds or similar things are allowed. Nightcore alterations are also allowed while non-commercial and labelled with original title and author (Google "Nightcore" in case of confusion).

I have recently made a very good experience with collaborating with other artists and am now - carefully - open to requests. Please note before sending me a request that any agreement will have to assure me a high level of control and independence over the composing process and certain copy- and intellectual rights over any composition that has been created on request (this entails for example that I can still upload and sell any music that I composed for a given project).
I do not allow my music to be used in any project that has a clear political, racist or discriminatory message or is pornographic. By that I mean anything that goes from direct political, racist or discriminatory videos or underlining speeches with my music, onto remixing my melodies into a song that has lyrics with clear political, racist or discriminatory message and similar things that clearly promote these things. Same goes for explicit pornography. Media with nude art is allowed, if not pornographic in nature and purpose.

I hope you're having an awesome day, and thanks a lot for being interested in my music! =)


This is part 1 of The Elder Path:
As I mentioned in the original video The Elder Path is a massive song that is actually made up of 3 smaller songs that create a complete story arc. I finally got around to extracting and editing these 3 parts so they are functional as stand-alone songs. The Druid Stone is the first of these, the other 2 will follow in the next 2 weeks.

You can get all my music here:
You can also support me and my music directly on Patreon if you wish:

I hope you have a wonderful day/night, whatever time it is when you read this text!


Today is my birthday. I usually play a Druid when we play D&D. What a nice surprise :)


Thank you again Adrian for your masterpieces....I do not know if you'll ever understand how powerful your music is to us.


So, my understanding of Celtic mythology is that these stones are gateways between the mortal and immortal realms and the source of magic, and Druids are celtic mage-priests.


I love this so very much. I closed my eyes while listening to this song and transported myself back to when I visited the Isle of Skye with my two best friends where we had a magical moment up in the mountains.


Listening to this while reading The Malazan Book of the fallen takes the experience to a new level. Thank you so much


I really like this first part. As mystical and mysterious as the story you can imagine behind it 🙂
"...I can see the Druid Stone standing on the hill from a distance, because it is illuminated by the soft white light of the full moon. Without realizing it, my legs carry me to him without hesitation, because he ... calls me. When I stand in front of the stone - which seems like a giant - I shiver because I suddenly feel an ice-cold wind whistling around me. I feel uncomfortable and I would like to turn around and quickly look for the distance. But something holds me here. He's holding me. I stretch out my trembling hands - inch by inch - until they touch the cold rough surface of the stone, which suddenly becomes pleasantly warm. Then ... nothing, just emptiness and silence. I open my eyes and still stand in the same place; the Druid Stone in front of me - but something is different. It is bright day…"

Now I'm already looking forward to the second part 🙂😅👍


Your music was literally the first time I felt a spiritual connection to music. You really have something special here, and I thank you for sharing it.


Powerful music. Adrian's music always have a touch of magic in them. Really loved it


This makes me think of the song New Grange, and also of my trip to Ireland when I was 18. I visited New Grange and also the Cliffs of Moehr on that trip. This music brings me back.


Sounds like something you would hear in The Witcher 3 on Skellige🤔

Sounds really beautiful, I love it💙


I really like The Elder Path, as well as parts from this composition. I met your work 2 years ago, and I listen to this day. You make music very talented!


this takes me back to medieval Scotland <3


Adrian your music inspires me so much, you are my biggest inspiration, I really love this, the expression brought out in the melodies, the depth and the harmonies as well, the adventurous journey the melodies go on as well, it's always amazing and keeps me interested the whole time that I am listening, really love the flow of the acoustics as well, and the depth in the drum design, it is so powerful and expressive. The instrumental combination as well, this is so perfect for a film in the genre, or an incredibly epic action adventure MMORPG style game, just stunning. But by itself, it is so beautifully done, that there is enough story to it as is to leave any listener who appreciates soundtrack, in awe. I love the artwork as well, it is beautiful and full of it's own powerful expression, and is very fitting to the music. Really amazing, I've been listening to your music for around 7 years, just incredible <3. And the routes of my inspiration for music in general are in Celtic music, so this is also why you are my favourite <3.


You're the God of music!

I'm from Spain but I love your music. I downloaded The elder path but only to listen it and It's a magical sensation.

Thanks for it.


Hello Adrien, I'm too much of a fan of you. Everything you compose makes me travel, transport. Me, who is of Irish and Viking origin, all your music gives me reconnection with my ancestors. I listen to them every day and they always give me strength, peace, joy and courage. Thanks to you.🙏✌


Adrian, es ist wieder mal eine musikalische Reise in eine mystische Welt!!!
Du holst mich immer wieder ab!
Du bist einfach der Beste


As usual, with your music, words fail me!!!! Thank you for sharing your gift of music ❤️❤️💕❤️😊💕💕


This is great music, Adrian. I can’t thank you enough for sharing your time, talent and music with us. This song takes me back to New Grainge, Knowth and the Hill of Tara. It was an amazing time.
